I want to share with you one of the biggest conversation killers I used to be guilty of—one that hit me hard when I finally saw it. Have you ever found yourself preparing a response…
Posts Taggedself awareness
How Identify Your Ego
Where is your ego hiding? ? Your ego hides by disguising itself as You. It makes a mental version and then it pretends to be You. In this way it creates a second version of your…
#87 Changing Beliefs

Changing Beliefs using the Self Mastery Course from PathwayToHappiness.com is explained by Gary van Warmerdam. I outline the beliefs at the root of negative thoughts and emotional reactions affecting behavior. Then I outline how the Self Mastery practices guide you to develop the skills needed to do an inventory of your beliefs and dissolve them.
#86 Beliefs and Attention

When you use your attention to control your beliefs, you can identify the assumptions you live by, and consciously choose another thought, interpretation, belief, or behavior about what is happening. There is a lot of great advice about not letting others bother you, or “don’t take anything personally.” What needs to be known to follow this advice is that you need control over your attention to follow it.
84 Divided Will and Consciousness

Your Will and Consciousness was divided early in your life during emotional events and repetition. This creates a fragmented mind.
Recover those separate parts to feel whole and live in integrity.
#80 What Are We? – An Exploration in Self Awareness

As humans we are: Spiritual, Physical Body, Consciousness, Mind, Gender Energy, Emotions and a Soul. Getting all of those energy aspects working together can be quite a process
#78 Your Attention is a Force

Your attention is not just your focus, but a force with which to steer your life, thoughts, emotions, and personal change.
#69 Self Awareness – Why do people believe crazy lies, conspiracy theories, and illusions?

Figuring out the truth isn’t straightforward. Consider this; the mind is the mechanism that we use to discern the truth. However, this is the same mind that generates stories, false narratives, daydreams, and fictional realities in our heads. These two uses of the mind are contradictory. It’s no wonder people are having difficulty seeing the difference between truth and a made-up story.
#67 Consciousness and moving Beyond the Mind

Eva Beronius and Gary van Warmerdam explore moving from identifying with the mind to realizing our Self as Consciousness.
What is enlightenment? Meaning of Enlightenment One of the problems in explaining enlightenment is that we have to use words. Words are only symbols and don’t give the real understanding. The letters of a word…
Projecting Emotions
A woman lived near the forest. She would look at the forest and say to herself that it looks really scary in there. The forest looked like a dark and scary place. It felt like…
Controlling Your Mind
Hi Gary, I’m sorry that I e-mail you again. But I have this big problem that might be hard to explain but I’ll try. Your whole course depends on the belief that you can control…
Unconscious Beliefs
I was sitting in the back yard with a friend a few weeks ago. The moon was out and almost full. I had read that when the moon rises as the sun sets, it will…
Becoming The Observer
Becoming the Observer is more than just thinking about yourself. It really is a different state of mind. Whether you are doing meditation, mindfulness practices, therapy, or other personal development work, becoming the observer is…
#48: Becoming the observer – mindfulness practice

When we act in the way of a neutral observer we notice different things. We notice when thoughts are arising from parts of our ego and the emotions they produce. We can also notice the idealized version in the background of our mind being used as comparison.
Resistance to Change
There is supposed to be Resistance to the process. I didn’t set out to teach happiness directly, and if you follow what I teach you will probably notice that I don’t. I don’t focus on…
The Glass Is Your Life
Do you look at the glass and see it as half full, or half empty? It’s a question about the thoughts you think and the emotions you create because of the thoughts you tell yourself. …
Voices In My Head
Is it normal to have voices in my head? Actually, yes. It does not mean you are crazy or need medication. From a separate interview about her backround: Jon Ronson: Let’s back up a…
What Is Worth Fighting For
Recently a client asked me, “Are there some things worth fighting for? It seems like all this work is about acceptance, and making peace, and being grateful. Do you just kind of roll over and…
Five Stages of Happiness – Part 5
Authentic Happiness – Stage 5 (Read from the beginning) This is where the words like authenticity, genuine, humility, unconditional love, enlightened, and wise have meaning. The person that has transcended the conditional happiness modes they…