The following summarizes two guided conversations I had with my client John, and a voice in his head I call the Judge. You might be more familiar with the term inner critic. It’s the kind…
Posts Taggedhappiness
#85 Beliefs are the Key to Change

Changing beliefs will allow you to change your narrative story and emotions. Beliefs are also the foundation for how economic, political, monetary, and social systems work. If you want to understand any one of those aspects, you will need to understand how beliefs work because that is the basis.
84 Divided Will and Consciousness

Your Will and Consciousness was divided early in your life during emotional events and repetition. This creates a fragmented mind.
Recover those separate parts to feel whole and live in integrity.
From Misery to Happiness

Daniel’s journey from misery to happiness took a lot of work. There were many ingredients essential to making his transformation happen and he shares it here in this interview with him.
Why am I Unhappy

The narrative story in our mind is what produces those negative thoughts, self-judgments, and emotions. It arises from the core beliefs we acquired earlier in life, and that can be re-programmed with awareness.
How To Be Happy
How to be happy “How to be happy” Step One: Self Help and Goal Setting Can actually cause a negative affect The process of self improvement often has a destructive impact mentally and and emotionally….
Happiness Test
As I principally focus this web site on the topic of happiness I occasionally do some poking around the internet on the subject. I have periodically come across such things as Happiness Tests and Happiness…
Happiness Is All Made Up
Someone kicking the tires on my Self Mastery program asked, “Is being really happy possible? I think this talk about living with love is a bunch of Pollyanna Woo Woo. It might just all be…
Happiness Is A Way to Define Success
How do you define success? I define success as Happiness. It’s my emotions that inform me what success and failure are. If I were depressed and suffering I would feel like a failure. If I…
Happiness Every Day
From Seeker to Finder Discovering Every Day Happiness by George Kimeldorf I’ve been alive 25,567 days. That is a long time. All I have ever wanted during that time was to be happy-nothing more….
Happiness as a Goal Makes You More Successful
Do we work to be happy, or are we better off at work being happy first. Shawn Anchor explains how some of our beliefs about happiness and work may be backwards. One important point he…
What are you looking for in your life
What Are You Looking for In Your Life? Have you ever been asked “What are you looking for in your life?” and never knew what to say? So, what are you looking for in your…
Daniel kahneman: on Happiness from Memories and Happiness from Experience
Daniel Kahneman complicates and clarifies happiness. One of Daniel’s positions is that much of our happiness about an experience is from our memory of that experience. Daniel address that this memory is subjective as it…
#32: The most important thing for your happiness

Sometimes it helps to take a step back and have a sense of humor about the process of overcoming fears, identifying and changing core beliefs.
The Possibility of Happiness and a Quiet Mind
What’s possible in the realm of happiness and quieting your mind? I come across many people who assume that the level of mastery they have over their emotions and beliefs is the limit of what…
The Most Important Thing for Your Happiness
What’s the most important thing for your happiness? The simple answer is Love. Love is not only a beautiful feeling, but an incredibly transformative force. When we express love we create a feeling of happiness. …
How the Mind Affects Your Happiness
As humans we live in two worlds. There is the external physical world of work, family and friends that we travel in. Then there is the world of our mind and imagination. It is a virtual reality that can appear and feel just as real. When it comes to your emotions the virtual world of your mind can be more real.
Controlling Your Happiness
Here is the critical point to understand when it comes to controlling your happiness. You can control your happiness to the degree that you can control your attention in your mind. By controlling your attention…
Dan Gilbert on Happiness – Video
Dan Gilbert, author of the best selling book, Stumbling on Happiness, talks on Synthetic Happiness, Freedom of Choice, and the poor assumptions people make in their pursuit of being happy. Make sure you pay attention…
Two Paths to Happiness
There are basically two ways to approach being happy in your life. The first way to be happy is to practice doing all the things that bring you to happiness. This might seem to be…