Insights from one of my clients: These are my thoughts… Most people around us think that our life is in chaos. Lots of people, including friends, therapists etc have been giving me lots of advice…
Posts Taggedself acceptance
You can love and accept yourself without first being perfect
Hello Gary, I’m David from Texas. I have gone through both the first and second Self Mastery Course. I was amazed and impressed with your understanding and insight to how miserable a person can be…
How to Stay Conscious and Aware
How to Stay Aware and Conscious The challenge in remembering to be mindful is that this isn’t about remembering at all. It is not like trying to recall a fact like the capitol of New…
How To Stay Mindful
When we learn something new it is important to note progress. It keeps our confidence up, and reinforces that we are doing the right thing. The most common sabotage to our mindfulness progress is the…
#52: Self loathing

Self loathing is a strong hatred towards oneself. You will also find with it a lot of internal thoughts of criticism and self judgment. Underneath that there will be a layer of beliefs relating to worthlessness.
#46: Affirmations can backfire

Sometimes people get poor results with affirmations. When they say positive things about themselves the dialogue of thoughts in their head pushes back with harsh negative comments.
Self Acceptance vs Personal Growth
Does Self Acceptance Diminish or Lessen the Desire for Personal Growth? Do we stop evolving if we really become accepting of our self? Dear Gary, I just wanted to ask you how one can balance…
Self Improvement Myth: Setting Goals
Some people put a lot of importance on goals. They are big in the self help / Personal Development world. I’ve found that goals can sometimes cause misery and unhappiness that more than wipes out…
#17: Self Judgment

Self Judgment is the most common type of abuse. It’s self abuse. No one is more critical of you than the voice in your head. If anyone else talked to you the way the Judge in your mind spoke to you, you would fight back or walk away from them.
Practicing Presence with Your Emotions
I have a lot of respect for the work of Eckhart Tolle. Part of the genius of his best selling book, The Power of Now, is that he keeps it simple. This is extremely helpful…
#08: Fear and overcoming fear

Fear is that emotional force that drives us in a direction away from joy, happiness, and love. Fear can paralyze us to the point that we feel helpless and suffocated. Often fear appears irrational, but it only looks this way at the surface.
The Voices in My Head
What are the voices in my head? How do they have a life of their own? Where did the voices in my head come from and why is it so hard to make it be…