In my book MindWorks, I describe nine sources of emotions. Here, I will explain just two of them and describe how they create conflicts and repressions in our bodies. Sometimes, people notice that some of…
Posts Taggedmind
#87 Changing Beliefs

Changing Beliefs using the Self Mastery Course from is explained by Gary van Warmerdam. I outline the beliefs at the root of negative thoughts and emotional reactions affecting behavior. Then I outline how the Self Mastery practices guide you to develop the skills needed to do an inventory of your beliefs and dissolve them.
The Inner Critic – a Conversation
The following summarizes two guided conversations I had with my client John, and a voice in his head I call the Judge. You might be more familiar with the term inner critic. It’s the kind…
How meditation can help you get faster results with self mastery work
By sitting in silence and observe you will get a clearer view of what is going on inside. You might need some help with overcoming limiting beliefs and initial resistance, but once you do meditation will be an invaluable friend on your journey to self awareness.
Dealing with Crazy Thoughts
The mind is made of imagination, and it can come up with some outlandish ideas. Having a crazy thought, (or a bunch of them) isn’t really a problem. I’ve had them. I can imagine all…
Self Image
Self Confidence and Self Image Your mind can create images, even images of yourself. Some images act like memories and are stored in ways that we are not aware of, or we might call unconscious…
Why Does the Mind Create Misery
Your mind isn’t designed to make you happy. It developed circuits over millions of years designed to keep you alive, and safe from hurt. As a byproduct, and because of some false belief circuits it…
Dealing With Political Fears
Be Mindful of Fear Based Beliefs Used In Politics If you are afraid your nervous system shifts to a fight/flight/freeze response and this puts your mind in the same type of thinking. You are in…
Controlling Your Mind
Hi Gary, I’m sorry that I e-mail you again. But I have this big problem that might be hard to explain but I’ll try. Your whole course depends on the belief that you can control…
Unconscious Beliefs
I was sitting in the back yard with a friend a few weeks ago. The moon was out and almost full. I had read that when the moon rises as the sun sets, it will…
How Our Mind Works
One of the ways our Mind Works is to automatically apply meaning to words and other symbols. This is a function of our learned belief system. I am having my book, MindWorks translated to Spanish. …
Stopping Negative Thoughts and Emotions
Adam wants to stop the negative thoughts and emotions of anxiety, insecurity, and frustration. But there is more to it than just thoughts and emotion. When you look closer you find there is something pushing…
Ritual and Ceremony in Everyday Life
Why do I use ceremony and ritual in my process and at my events? The short answer is because it works. But that answer wouldn’t have sufficed for me when I started this inner work….
Ceremony to Change Beliefs
My Experience with Ceremony About the time I was discovering fears and false beliefs that I was living by I was also reading Care of the Soul by Thomas Moore. I decided to create a…
Voices In My Head
Is it normal to have voices in my head? Actually, yes. It does not mean you are crazy or need medication. From a separate interview about her backround: Jon Ronson: Let’s back up a…
Free of Judgmental Thoughts
Living Without Judgmental Thoughts Several years ago, I spent the day with a friend from high school and her class of second graders. For physical education we went to the grass field and played a…
Change Your Mind In Teotihuacan Mexico
How To Change What Is In Your Mind Every year I go on a kind of pilgrimage. My pilgrimage doesn’t involve praying to, or worshiping a deity. It’s a personal one of letting go of…
Self Sabotage
Hi Gary, My name is Patty and I just wanted to share with you something that happened in the past few days. You see, I am a senior veterinary student and I am preparing to…
Is It Easier To Give Up on Conscious Awakening ?
The Lies are in the Details As we work to stay consciously aware and maintain positive emotions of happiness we can become tired of the process. When that happens, the thought, “Sometimes it just feels…
#42: Stop beating your self up

To effectively change the thoughts and beliefs we beat our self up with it is important to look at the problem differently. That’s what I do in this episode on what specifically happens when you are “beating yourself up”.