Hi Gary, I’m sorry that I e-mail you again. But I have this big problem that might be hard to explain but I’ll try. Your whole course depends on the belief that you can control…
Posts Taggedcontrol
Five Stages of Happiness – Part 4
Transition to Authentic Happiness – Stage Four Read from beginning At 20 something it is easy to be optimistic and have lots of positive thoughts about our self and the future. We confidently believe…
What Should I Do
What should I do? When you ask this question to someone else,,, you are opening the door to giving away your personal power and creating a victim mindset. This is a dangerous question to ask. …
The Story of Stuff
I can get away posting this video here because it relates to happiness. I can also do it because it’s my blog space and I can post if I want to. But more seriously folks,…
Overcoming Fear of Losing Money
Fear of Losing Money As you learn to live a happier life one of the things that will change is the quality of communication. Probably one of the most fearfully corrupt areas of communication is…
#25: Overcoming controlling behavior of jealousy and anger

David started the Self Mastery Course because of emotions and behaviors for jealousy, anger and controlling in relationships. It was difficult to see himself having this problem because David’s belief system masked and justified his behavior as “helping people”. In his mind he was serving and helping people.
Stop Negative Thinking
A Problem with Self Help Bob decides to adopt some self help strategies in order to be happier in his life and relationships. In order to improve himself and his life, Bob decides to think…
Controlling Your Happiness
Here is the critical point to understand when it comes to controlling your happiness. You can control your happiness to the degree that you can control your attention in your mind. By controlling your attention…
Self Mastery – Course Feedback
Hi Gary, Thank you so much for the wonderful workshop on Saturday. I did not come expecting an epiphany, but there it was. The course has been helping, in ways that are dramatic when I…