The following summarizes two guided conversations I had with my client John, and a voice in his head I call the Judge. You might be more familiar with the term inner critic. It’s the kind…
Browsing CategoryVoice in your head
How meditation can help you get faster results with self mastery work
By sitting in silence and observe you will get a clearer view of what is going on inside. You might need some help with overcoming limiting beliefs and initial resistance, but once you do meditation will be an invaluable friend on your journey to self awareness.
The Inner Critic can be tamed
It would be nice if the Inner Critic, what I call the Judge, would go away in a one step process. That rarely happens. There have been a couple people that might have done it….
Damaging Effects of Criticism
If you want to change your life, consider this. Criticism is probably one of the most toxic and destructive things a human can do to themselves or another. Criticism and judgments are rejections. These include self-criticism…
Feeling Unworthy and Beliefs about Perfection
What constitutes your image of perfection? Take the judgmental thoughts you have and look at the criteria of expectation that is behind the judgment. In other words, what criteria do you have to attain in…
Overcoming Low Self Esteem and Insecurity
Want to know where your low self esteem and insecurities come from? It’s based on emotion, not self-image. To build self confidence and overcome low self esteem is to change how we feel emotionally about…
The Perfectionist
Perfection can Inspire us to a goal, or be a demon in our head that makes us suffer. The Perfectionist is one of the voices in our head. It has the role of pointing out all…
Repressed Emotions
Repressed Emotions Memories are a kind of informational energy that we can store for years.The physical body has the ability to store energy in the form of emotions as well. These stored emotions can be…
Stopping Negative Thoughts and Emotions
Adam wants to stop the negative thoughts and emotions of anxiety, insecurity, and frustration. But there is more to it than just thoughts and emotion. When you look closer you find there is something pushing…
Pursuing Perfection Hides Patterns of Self Sabotage
Self-Sabotage in the Pursuit of Perfection Perfection is the enemy of progress when it comes to learning something new. If you are trying to get things perfect, you end up focusing on all the things…
Voices In My Head
Is it normal to have voices in my head? Actually, yes. It does not mean you are crazy or need medication. From a separate interview about her backround: Jon Ronson: Let’s back up a…
Free of Judgmental Thoughts
Living Without Judgmental Thoughts Several years ago, I spent the day with a friend from high school and her class of second graders. For physical education we went to the grass field and played a…
What Is Ego?
What is Ego? The ego is the identity concept our mind constructed. It is an identity that is false. We are more than just the mind and the ego. If we take all the beliefs…
Persistence and Resistance
There might be simple rules or edicts to follow to be happy, but sometimes following them ain’t that easy. When we struggle to follow simple rules of happiness it is because fear and false beliefs…
Is It Easier To Give Up on Conscious Awakening ?
The Lies are in the Details As we work to stay consciously aware and maintain positive emotions of happiness we can become tired of the process. When that happens, the thought, “Sometimes it just feels…
Noticing Resistance and Measuring Progress
Resistance and Progress One of the clues that inroads are being made on your belief system and emotions is when the Judge and Victim really complain about this work. They will tell you things like…
What are you looking for in your life
What Are You Looking for In Your Life? Have you ever been asked “What are you looking for in your life?” and never knew what to say? So, what are you looking for in your…
Your Emotions and Personality are Not Fixed
It’s been observed that mindfulness meditation and mindfulness practices actually change areas of the brain. More than once people have been told by professional that their personality is fixed by the time they are 6…
The Possibility of Happiness and a Quiet Mind
What’s possible in the realm of happiness and quieting your mind? I come across many people who assume that the level of mastery they have over their emotions and beliefs is the limit of what…