The Quality of Your Conversations Shapes the Quality of Your Relationships ?The conversation is the beginning and the backbone of relationships. A good conversation builds feelings of trust, respect, acceptance, kindness, and love. We know…
Posts Taggedcommunication
Improving Relationship Communication
Small Relationship Changes That Get Big Results John Gottman studied relationships over many years noticing the small things we do in our interactions. By observing small gestures in their conversation he could tell with better…
Help Asking For What You Want
Asking for what you want might seem like a simple thing, but it isn’t. It is a complex process of noticing your desires, eliminating the selfish and unreasonable, feeling worthy of having, feeling safe that…
How Our Mind Works
One of the ways our Mind Works is to automatically apply meaning to words and other symbols. This is a function of our learned belief system. I am having my book, MindWorks translated to Spanish. …
“How is everything?” | Why this could be a conversation ender
Asking “How is Everything?” could be a conversation ender Have you ever noticed that when you sometimes ask, “How is everything going?” that you get a conversation- ending, “Fine.” Reaching out to your partner for…
Not Feeling Heard Is Anyone Listening To Me?
Not feeling heard? Try this. Sometimes we feel we are not being listened too. Sometimes that feeling is from an accurate assessment of other people’s behavior and sometimes it is just us. It may be…
Needy Relationships | Getting Your Needs Met Without Being Needy
Being Needy in a Relationship Having needs is not the same as being needy in a relationship. No man is an island. And neither is a woman. We all have needs, but we don’t have…
I Don’t Feel Understood
Understanding and not feeling understood. Communication is a peculiar thing. We didn’t always have it. It only started to develop as a detailed set of grunts about 100,000 years ago. Over time our vocalizations have…
Better Relationship Communication Skills
Better communication in relationship means that you don’t have to trade emotional jabs and passive aggressive comments with our partner. Improving your communication skills will reap benefits in all your relationships for years of your life.
Criticizing Your Partner or the People You Love
Why do we say judgmental criticizing things to the person we love? Why we criticize our husband or wife and what we can do about it? Because we become so comfortable with that person that…
What Are You Saying
I was sharing with my friend, the observation that words have lost their meaning. By that I mean that they have lost their power. People are inundated with Words to read on the internet, blogs,…
#13: How to tell if a relationship will work

There are specific indicators to tell if your relationship will run into trouble down the road. The signs aren’t found in how much love, romance or physical attraction there is. Two people can have great chemistry but still not be compatible.
#06: Love relationships part II

Our body has physical desires, our emotions have a desire to express love and our mind has a desire to have its beliefs and expectations met. This can create some internal conflict that gets more complicated when we add another person’s desires to the mix.