In the Relationship Communication and Connection Course, a key question came up while we were teaching how to hold presence to be a good listener: What do you do if the other person is angry…
Posts Taggedawareness
A Common Conversation Killer
I want to share with you one of the biggest conversation killers I used to be guilty of—one that hit me hard when I finally saw it. Have you ever found yourself preparing a response…
The Inner Critic – a Conversation
The following summarizes two guided conversations I had with my client John, and a voice in his head I call the Judge. You might be more familiar with the term inner critic. It’s the kind…
#85 Beliefs are the Key to Change

Changing beliefs will allow you to change your narrative story and emotions. Beliefs are also the foundation for how economic, political, monetary, and social systems work. If you want to understand any one of those aspects, you will need to understand how beliefs work because that is the basis.
84 Divided Will and Consciousness

Your Will and Consciousness was divided early in your life during emotional events and repetition. This creates a fragmented mind.
Recover those separate parts to feel whole and live in integrity.
#83 How To Change a Belief

In this session, I guide Greg, a Self Mastery subscriber, through changing a belief. The narrative of the belief is “I’m not ready.” However, the roots of that narrative story are based in the emotional experiences of a young child who was pushed to do things before he was ready. The belief is actually an energetic memory formed in the mind of a young child, with emotion, perspective, fear, several stories, and a need for protection.
#82 Journey of the Soul from Fear to Love

We knew how to be happy as children. It was natural for us. We learned to be stressed, judgmental, fearful, and in our head disconnected from the world and others through repetition. To break that partner requires a conscious intent for change. And it can be done. If I can do it, then you can do it.
#80 What Are We? – An Exploration in Self Awareness

As humans we are: Spiritual, Physical Body, Consciousness, Mind, Gender Energy, Emotions and a Soul. Getting all of those energy aspects working together can be quite a process
#79 Why you don’t see reality

You don’t see reality. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, it does not make a sound. Even if someone is there, it still doesn’t make a sound.
You are the one that creates sound, and the visual images of what you see. Listen and find out why.
#78 Your Attention is a Force

Your attention is not just your focus, but a force with which to steer your life, thoughts, emotions, and personal change.
From Misery to Happiness

Daniel’s journey from misery to happiness took a lot of work. There were many ingredients essential to making his transformation happen and he shares it here in this interview with him.
Self Awareness of Your Story
I had a dental checkup. My experience was basically a result of my attention, and the stories I made up during the hour. How did it go? What was the story I told to…
#72 Conscious Dreaming

The mind is dreaming all the time. It is dreaming when you are awake, and when you are asleep. The consciousness process involves waking up from these dreams that run through your head. Most often they appear as narrative stories. What will change your life is when you take charge of the dreams in your mind during the day instead of allowing them to dream you.
#71 The Dream of Maya

I’ve been doing a digital detox. I gave up news and social media for lent. I wanted to pull my attention out of the habitual cycle of opinions, fears, needing to be informed, emotions, and addictive social media scrolls. I wanted to clean up and clear space in my mind. In the process, I had this dream last week. It represents part of the Deam of Maya, or illusions we live in. If you want to be happy and fulfilled, you will need to move your attention out of such stories.
#67 Consciousness and moving Beyond the Mind

Eva Beronius and Gary van Warmerdam explore moving from identifying with the mind to realizing our Self as Consciousness.
Dealing with Crazy Thoughts
The mind is made of imagination, and it can come up with some outlandish ideas. Having a crazy thought, (or a bunch of them) isn’t really a problem. I’ve had them. I can imagine all…
Overcoming Low Self Esteem and Insecurity
Want to know where your low self esteem and insecurities come from? It’s based on emotion, not self-image. To build self confidence and overcome low self esteem is to change how we feel emotionally about…
Projecting Emotions
A woman lived near the forest. She would look at the forest and say to herself that it looks really scary in there. The forest looked like a dark and scary place. It felt like…
Bad Thoughts
Janet has a memory of when she was about 3 years old. She followed her mom into her baby brother’s room. Mom picked up her brother from the crib and laid him on the changing…
How to Stay Conscious and Aware
How to Stay Aware and Conscious The challenge in remembering to be mindful is that this isn’t about remembering at all. It is not like trying to recall a fact like the capitol of New…