Posts Taggedrelationship agreements

#75 Relationship Connection – The Struggle

The Awareness and Consciousness Podcasts with Gary van Warmerdam
Awareness and Consciousness Podcast
#75 Relationship Connection - The Struggle

I gathered all sorts of habits and false beliefs in my childhood that later led to disconnection, disappointment, frustration, and heartbreak in a relationship. 

One example was from the fairy tales and movies growing up. They painted a picture of “happily ever after” into my brain. Once you meet the right person, it goes seamlessly to “happily” ever after.” But, unfortunately, those stories planted a false paradigm that set me up for disappointment later. 

I got into this “inner work” because I was struggling and unhappy in my relationships. I think a lot of people do. Even if their relationships are “good,” they may not feel good in them. Sometimes a “great relationship” brings up our inner fears, insecurities, jealousy, and other sabotaging emotions and behaviors.

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#37: Confusion about love, compassion, hope, integrity and loyalty

The Awareness and Consciousness Podcasts with Gary van Warmerdam
Awareness and Consciousness Podcast
#37: Confusion about love, compassion, hope, integrity and loyalty

Even the basic building blocks of language such as words can be distorted and made confusing by how the mind alters their meaning when we are not aware.

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#13: How to tell if a relationship will work

The Awareness and Consciousness Podcasts with Gary van Warmerdam
Awareness and Consciousness Podcast
#13: How to tell if a relationship will work

There are specific indicators to tell if your relationship will run into trouble down the road. The signs aren’t found in how much love, romance or physical attraction there is. Two people can have great chemistry but still not be compatible.

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