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spiritual power journey

October 5-12  2024, Teotihuacán Mexico

A journey into self-awareness, truth and divine consciousness. 

The Experience

If you are ready to dissolve your fears, false beliefs, and identification with your mind, and experience unconditional love from which you can create a new life that you love, then join us at the ancient pyramids of Teotihuacán Mexico.

Walking in silence in the chilly morning air to the archaeological grounds on the cobbled stone street. You are invited to close your eyes and let a partner guide you, so you can explore sensations of trust, fear, and surrender, before we even reach the first plaza. 

Evening Breathwork allows for energy and experiences that open your eyes and heart to more awareness, and more feeling. 

It will become clear that the worst things about your past, aren’t nearly as painful as carrying them in your inner world every day. 

Releasing those fears, emotional pains, and stories becomes the focus of everyone’s  intent together. In a ceremony that embraces the life cycle of death you are guided to let them go, as well as your past self that was attached to them. Everything temporal dies, and we can use this wisdom to let the past die also.

Then, with the power you have recovered, we begin building a new emotional dream and belief system, based in love and respect, beginning with ourselves, and then extending to our relationships. 

The fear and need to control are replaced with relief in letting go. 

Sitting in the dwellings of the masters that lived here 2000 years ago, you can feel their eternal consciousness and let it guide you to open your heart and inner vision.

You might be distracted and open your eyes to see the stone walls, or curious what others are doing. But sitting with that group intent you see in others, you return your attention inward to a different possibility for your vision.

experiences that will change you and your relationship with others during the week in Teotihuacán.

"I've done other retreats but I've never experienced something like this."
Mary C
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What you'll get....

On a power journey, you’re able to leap forward in ways that might have taken you several years working through on your own. We will use ceremony, ritual, contemplation, laughter, our attention, and every bit of awareness to move beyond the emotions and fears of limiting beliefs in the mind. Then we launch our consciousness deep into the wisdom of the Silent Knowledge of ancient masters.

"Going on a trip like this is so much more powerful than weekly sessions over the phone, in so many ways. Besides the personal growth I've experienced, and the love, I'm making friendships I believe will last my lifetime."
Greg L

This is for you if...

  • You want a deep change to your unconscious beliefs and old patterns.
  • You have worked on the Self Mastery practices on your own or in the online groups and want to take a big leap forward.
  • You are new to the Self Mastery work but feel ready to take responsibility for your current situation and make changes to your inner world.
  • You want to come back to Teo for more of the powerful transformation and group support.

If any of the above applies to you, we can’t wait to have you joining the Spiritual Power journey to Teotihuacán!

"When I first came to Teo I didn't know what to expect. I was scared of what I would discover, scared that I wouldn’t discover anything... that I would have to return home empty-handed and continue living a life that was making me unhappy. I was also scared to share this experience together with a group I didn´t know. In spite of that, I had a strong desire to go on this adventure and I am forever grateful that I did. What I found was so much more than I could have imagined."
Cecilia B

A day in Teo...

Yoga/body time/meditation
A good start of the day and the processes ahead. Optional if you like to sleep in or prepare on your own.
Depart and walk to the grounds. Several hours mixed with contemplative meditations, ceremony, discussion, emotional processing, and teachings.
Return to the Dreaming House
Large home cooked meal of excellent food
Free time
Rest, reflect on the day’s process, journal, get a massage, socialize, shop in town, or check your email on the wifi.
Meet with your small group for some connenction, answer your questions, and sharing your experiences.
Evening Session of Breathwork, Or perhaps a visit to an ancient cave for some Ceremony and Shamanic Journeying
Light dinner/snack
Share with others about the day, and the journey.

More than one week...

Our journey starts with a whole month of introduction and preparation practices before our week in Teotihuacán. After our week in Mexico you’ll get another month of follow-up calls so you can fully integrate your experiences into your life back home. As soon as you reserve your spot by paying the refundable deposit you’ll get access to our Teo-group in the Self Mastery Community. In there you’ll get all the practical information you need to prepare.

On Sign Up
October 5-12
Access to our private group in the Self Mastery Community
Reserve your spot by paying the 90% refundable deposit and you get to meet your fellow travelers and all the practical info you need.
Online: Intro month
We'll meet for two online sessions over Zoom and start the journey together. You'll get guided on setting your intent and we'll prepare for our journey. You will also meet with other attendees so you are well connected before you arrive.
We start in the evening with dinner and class on Saturday 7th. We finish the closing class on the 13th and a fiesta in the evening. On the morning of Saturday 14th we depart. If you want to arrive earlier or stay later, this can be arranged.
Online: Follow-up month
Upon returning to ordinary reality, we have two Online Sessions with the group where you can process your experience, work on integrating them into your daily life, and stay connected with your new friends.

Your guide

On this journey, you have experienced teachers leading the way back home to yourself. You will also have your own smaller group with a team leader where you can share more about your personal experience and ask practical questions. 

Gary van Warmerdam

Founder of

Gary has led numerous Spiritual Journeys to Teotihuacán over the years. His experience in guiding these journeys comes from 20 years of personal study with don Miguel Ruiz, a Spiriutal Master. Miguel is also the best selling author of The Four Agreements, an other best selling books. Gary’s experience and teachings from his Mentor are both extensive and profound. Gary is the author of MindWorks: a practical guide to changing thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. He also created the belief busting Self Mastery Course that has helped thousands.

"Your belief in everything changes. Because suddenly everything is not chaotic, scary, and meaningless. Everything has meaning because everything is one. Teo is basically just one big adventure, surrounded by the loveliest people you could hope to meet."
Barney G

Lodging at the Dreaming House

We stay and enjoy our family-style meals at the beautiful hacienda, Casa de los Sueños. The Dreaming House. The rooms are comfortable with private bathrooms. There is wifi in the common area. We have our morning and evening classes in the larger teaching rooms.

The traditional kitchen is staffed by family members and can accommodate allergies and dietary requests as far as possible. We enjoy our home-cooked meals in the big dining room together.

The weather in Teotihuacan in October will be very comfortable in the 70’s (F) during the day. Low’s at night will be in the 50’s. There is sometimes a chance of showers in the afternoon. The elevation is about 7200 feet with nice mild weather throughout the year.

Safety and refunds

Booking and refunds

You reserve your spot by paying the deposit of $500. You pay the remaining amount before our Intro month starts, around October 1st. 

If you need to cancel your trip:

  1. If you want or need a refund, 90% of your deposit or other payments will be refunded until 30 days prior. The 10% accounts for the financial fees we are charged by the payment processor and the Dreaming House.
  2. For cancellations within 30 days of the journey starting we will refund all your payments except half the $500 deposit, due to the Dreaming House’s cancellation policy.

We strongly recommend that you get travel insurance. Depending on the insurance you purchase, it will cover your expense for lost luggage, medical care and evacuation, canceled flights, or canceled trips, lost refunds, and other items. 

Safety in Mexico
You might have heard and read stories of the potential dangers of traveling to Mexico. Generally, after 30 years of traveling there, I’ve found that the stories are exaggerated and the fear unfounded for the areas we’ll be visiting.

The towns around Teotihuacán are safe residential areas and the whole area is a well-visited tourist spot with thousands of visitors, including school children passing through every week. We’ll be staying at a gated hacienda that only we and the staff have access to. You’ll be picked up from the airport by the Dreaming House’s transfer service.

So far, we haven’t had any safety concerns on our trips, apart from the death of our egos and the fears themselves. Which might feel unsafe – but is very freeing.

Join us for a journey of a lifetime

by paying the refundable deposit

Spiritual Journey to Mexico


total price for:

One week teachings, accomodations and meal
Intro- and follow-up month online
Double occupancy
Transfer from/to Mexico City Airport (on set times)
Entrance fees to the pyramide site
Access to online group from your computer or app

Not included

At extra cost

Reserve your spot

IMPORTANT: If you are already a member of the Self Mastery Community –
log in to the community and reserve your space on the Power Journey through this link.

Pay a one-time deposit


90% refundable until September 6

Pay the rest before mid-September
Choose accommodation later
Instant access to the online group
Reserve NOW
For change to happen you need to do something different

Common Questions

Yes, this trip can be for you.  You can be as private as you like. There are no requirements to share. You could spend the whole week in silence and do the process as a silent retreat. You are invited to be a part of every process, but not required.

We offer a process and respect how each individual wants to do it. 

If you want to go off on your own at different times, or not show up for a class, you are free to do so.  All we ask is that you let your team leader know so we know you are taken care of and not looking for you when you don’t want to be found. 

PS. What many of us discovered was that our past experience of groups gave us that “not belonging” feeling because the group didn’t know how to be kind and accepting. This often happens at a young age.

When you find the right group that is willing to accept you, just as you are, then we can shake off the “not a group person” narrative. 

If you need to cancel your trip:

  1. If you want or need a refund, 90% of your deposit or other payments will be refunded until September 6. The 10% accounts for the financial fees we are charged by the payment processor and the Dreaming House.
  2. For cancellations within 30 days of the journey starting we will refund all your payments except the $500 deposit, due to the Dreaming House’s cancellation policy.

You will get all the practical information in our Teo group once you’re registered. But here are the basics:

October  5 – 12 2024

Arrival: Plan to arrive at the Mexico City airport before 3:00 pm Saturday. A driver will pick you up with the others and take you to the Dreaming House. We will have an early dinner and Class will begin that night.  

You may also opt to arrive a day or two early and we can help with accommodations and transport if you want to arrive at the Dreaming House early. 

Departure: The formal teachings will finish with a ceremony Friday at about noon. Then we relax in the afternoon, shop, and enjoy a fiesta in the evening. Departure is on Saturday. Plan for your return flight to depart late morning or early afternoon if possible. If you need to catch an earlier flight, arrangements can be made to get you to the airport on time with a taxi at your expense.

A taxi ride to the airport outside the normal arrival and departure window will incur an additional fee of approximately $60 US.

Generally sharing will be done in your small teams with your leader. You don’t have to share about your own process. You are allowed to be as private as you wish. It is entirely optional. 

We open up sharing opportunities during the day, or at evening class. Often someone’s realization or question helps another person with some issue they were wrestling with.  Sharing happens in the casual social times in between and at meals. 

We are very careful to steer away from what would look like group therapy sharing.  That is not the path or processes we work with. You are more likely to be invited to spend parts of the day in silence, or to be guided inward for deeper self-inquiry. 

The recording will be available after the call and you can do the practices in your own time. If you have a question that you want to be answered, you can post that beforehand and we will answer it during the call.

  1. If you feel excited when reading about it, but also a bit nervous and scared.
  2. If you’ve done some previous work with observing and changing your thoughts, emotions and behaviors and want to grow your self-awareness. 
  3. If you feel motivated to take a big leap and experience unconditional love and expand your consciousness.

Answering yes to any of the above? Then you’re ready.
If your mind wants to complicate it more than that, it’s welcome to. But it really can be that simple.

We recommend the events over individual coaching. 

The commitment involved in showing up, and the focused attention for several sustained days allow breaking through many more issues in a shorter time than you will do on your own. The processes are much deeper. Your connection and support in a group environment are more conducive to learning and change as well. 

The exception to this is if you are working through trauma issues. If you are triggered into trauma reactions of panic, etc., then be more gentle with yourself and do coaching sessions, or work with a professional in this area. At these events, such as Mexico, we do many new and different approaches to challenge, change, and move consciously past your belief systems. For a person recovering from trauma, this may be too triggering to be helpful.

With that said we’ve had several people with trauma backgrounds coming to this journey. They have in combination with other support at home experienced major shifts to their inner world. What’s true for someone else might not be true to you. Feel into what you need and want. lincoln gets strapped face up and sucked. ultra hot brunette teenie facialized.

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