I want to give you a different model for the mind. Why would I do this? Because I like to challenge current paradigms and set people free from limiting beliefs. Including my own. One of…
Posts Taggedcharacters
#68 Voices in your Head

The voices in your head are normal. They are the patterns of thoughts arising from unconscious beliefs. They can be funny, frightening, random or chaotic, and possibly cause deep suffering.
#57: Critical voice in your head

The critical voice in your head telling you whether you are succeeding or failing at things is actually pretty stupid. It sounds smart, acts confident, and pretends to be an expert. However, it hasn’t actually done any of the things it is criticizing you about.
#56: Social anxiety from unconscious beliefs

A man shares what he discovers as the source of his social anxiety that began when he was in 3rd grade. In this podcast I describe a process to dig into the layers of your unconscious beliefs, and release the emotional beliefs trapped there.
Conditional Love
How We Learned about Conditional Love I’m going to assume you had well adjusted parents. If you didn’t, then just amplify the impact of what you are reading here by the amount of extra drama…
Anger Management
The Best Anger Management is Anger Prevention If you are reading this you don’t need to be told how destructive anger can be. You are already motivated to make changes in your emotionally driven behaviors. …
#52: Self loathing

Self loathing is a strong hatred towards oneself. You will also find with it a lot of internal thoughts of criticism and self judgment. Underneath that there will be a layer of beliefs relating to worthlessness.
#48: Becoming the observer – mindfulness practice

When we act in the way of a neutral observer we notice different things. We notice when thoughts are arising from parts of our ego and the emotions they produce. We can also notice the idealized version in the background of our mind being used as comparison.
I Don’t Feel Lovable
The issue of Not Feeling Lovable came up a couple times recently. It’s a common belief, and it comes with a feeling, sometimes a very strong feeling. Recently a woman who was given up for…
A Spiritual Teacher Doesn’t Choose The Student
There was a blog post I read years ago about a guy looking for a way out of his misery. Let’s call him Bob. Some might have though of him as a spiritual seeker, but…
#43: Overcoming insecurity and develop confidence

Attempts to develop confidence often fail because they revolve around projecting a positive self image or achieving success. Unfortunately these two things don’t eliminate other beliefs causing feelings of insecurity.
#42: Stop beating your self up

To effectively change the thoughts and beliefs we beat our self up with it is important to look at the problem differently. That’s what I do in this episode on what specifically happens when you are “beating yourself up”.
#35: Sexual performance anxiety

At the core of sexual performance anxiety are fear of failure, rejection from our partner and self rejection. These expressions take place in our mind and affect our emotions.
#11: The ego mind and consciousness

Understanding the ego mind and consciousness means becoming aware of the way our mind dreams. The ego mind has more than just thoughts and beliefs; it has emotions, memories, visual images and a life of its own. When we believe what our imagination dreams we can get lost in a world of illusions.