Gary, I have just completed the first Self Mastery course but am troubled by something. I agree with all you say and can see the validity of implementing each of your suggestions. However, a couple…
Posts Taggedself awareness
#25: Overcoming controlling behavior of jealousy and anger

David started the Self Mastery Course because of emotions and behaviors for jealousy, anger and controlling in relationships. It was difficult to see himself having this problem because David’s belief system masked and justified his behavior as “helping people”. In his mind he was serving and helping people.
#19: Understanding the spiritual journey

All self help, personal development, growth, and self awareness work is part of the Spiritual Journey. That’s because Spirit means Life. The mystery of the Spiritual Journey is that it happens within the realm of your perceptions, mind, emotions, and consciousness.
#18: Changing habits and overcoming addictions

People attempt to change a habit or addiction by going cold turkey. This often raises the expectation too high and can set a person up for failure if they don’t yet have a lot of personal power or discipline. The result is failing and self judgment.
#15: Finding your self

Finding your self or figuring out who you are is one of those eternal questions. We often struggle with it as teenagers, then again in our thirties, or during a mid life crisis. The struggle to know thy Self is as old as spiritual traditions that attempted to answer the question.
Spiritual Growth Stumbling Blocks
Now I’m going to get to the point I originally wanted to make in my last post about spiritual growth stumbling blocks. In my last post I got on to another in the set up…
#11: The ego mind and consciousness

Understanding the ego mind and consciousness means becoming aware of the way our mind dreams. The ego mind has more than just thoughts and beliefs; it has emotions, memories, visual images and a life of its own. When we believe what our imagination dreams we can get lost in a world of illusions.
#10: Can you change your life

I often get asked if people can really change their life. They want to known if they can overcome fears, stop the judgments, and quiet the voice in their head. The answer is yes. However, when people ask, they usually ask with such fear and doubt that almost no amount of words will suffice. Perhaps this interview will help overcome some of those doubts.
Self Awareness for Emotional Decisions
What is self awareness? For starters it involves knowing your self. A person with self awareness knows about their own personality. They know their strengths and weaknesses. They know how they react under stress and…
The Law of Attraction Is Not Enough
Outside Factors that can affect the Law of Attraction Here is another case of specialized knowledge that affects the law of attraction. It has to do with outside factors that affect your ability to attract…
Struggling with the Exercises
Dear Gary, I recently came upon your site while doing a Google search for overcoming jealousy. It has been thus far a good tool for me. I see the material as excellent – as close…
Create Happiness in One Step
Want to learn how to live in happiness? You can create happiness in one step. There is one step to creating happiness. It is to express love. When you express the emotion of love you…
Self Awareness
As you develop self awareness you are able to make changes in the thoughts and interpretations you make in your mind. Changing the interpretations in your mind allows you to change your emotions. Self awareness is one of the attributes of Emotional Intelligence and an important factor in achieving success.