In the Relationship Communication and Connection Course, a key question came up while we were teaching how to hold presence to be a good listener: What do you do if the other person is angry…
Posts Taggedrelationship control
What makes you happy in relationships?
What makes you unhappy in your relationships? Be aware of the assumptions that your mind offers. Could it be something else? Many of us learned to believe early in life that other people determine our…
How to Overcome Jealousy
How to Overcome Jealousy Overcoming jealousy is like changing any emotional reaction or behavior. It begins with awareness. Awareness allows you to see that the projected stories in your mind are not true. When you…
Source of Jealousy
Hello Gary, I would just like to firstly thank you for everything! You have made such a positive impact on my life so far with the Self Mastery program, your book and also the podcasts…
Needy Relationships | Getting Your Needs Met Without Being Needy
Being Needy in a Relationship Having needs is not the same as being needy in a relationship. No man is an island. And neither is a woman. We all have needs, but we don’t have…
Criticizing Your Partner or the People You Love
Why do we say judgmental criticizing things to the person we love? Why we criticize our husband or wife and what we can do about it? Because we become so comfortable with that person that…
#25: Overcoming controlling behavior of jealousy and anger

David started the Self Mastery Course because of emotions and behaviors for jealousy, anger and controlling in relationships. It was difficult to see himself having this problem because David’s belief system masked and justified his behavior as “helping people”. In his mind he was serving and helping people.
Feeling Trapped
We have cats. By their instinctive nature they chase things. Humans aren’t much different. Once in a while we will take out a pen sized laser pointer and put a red dot on the floor….
Understanding the Mirror of Relationships
Some people talk in the personal growth and new age circles about using relationship as a mirror to understand your self. I’ve seen this idea of a relationship mirror described in so many ways, often…
Controlling Relationships
What are some dynamics of an emotionally controlling relationship? I want to look beyond some of the of verbal criticism, put downs, and judgments that are the obvious elements of emotionally abusive and controlling relationships….
Insecurity in Relationships
Dear Gary, I just experienced this jealousy reaction. I have a girlfriend for a year now, but still struggle with the fact that sometimes I feel I’ve been giving in too much and that she’s…