Where is your ego hiding? ? Your ego hides by disguising itself as You. It makes a mental version and then it pretends to be You. In this way it creates a second version of your…
Posts Taggedconsciousness
84 Divided Will and Consciousness

Your Will and Consciousness was divided early in your life during emotional events and repetition. This creates a fragmented mind.
Recover those separate parts to feel whole and live in integrity.
#81 Spiritual Power Journey Teotihuacan Mexico

This Spiritual Power Journey is intently created so that you experience unconditional love and acceptance for yourself. That experience might come to you in a ceremony, a breathwork process, a meditation, a conversation with others, or while laughing and singing together.
#78 Your Attention is a Force

Your attention is not just your focus, but a force with which to steer your life, thoughts, emotions, and personal change.
#67 Consciousness and moving Beyond the Mind

Eva Beronius and Gary van Warmerdam explore moving from identifying with the mind to realizing our Self as Consciousness.
#11: The ego mind and consciousness

Understanding the ego mind and consciousness means becoming aware of the way our mind dreams. The ego mind has more than just thoughts and beliefs; it has emotions, memories, visual images and a life of its own. When we believe what our imagination dreams we can get lost in a world of illusions.
The Abstract Concept of Time
The Concept Of Time The concept of time begins with awareness and consciousness Become aware of consciousness or get lost in conceptual ideas of time and events. From the perspective of consciousness, maybe time doesn’t…