How does our conditioning affect our perception. Watch this video and you will see how you HEAR sounds that are not there. Our visual cue is that we should hear a certain sound, and so…
Posts Taggedawareness
I Should Be Further Along Than I Am
How many times in our process have we had the thought, “I should be further along than I am.” Really? To that comment I sometimes like to ask two questions, One: “In terms of percentage,…
Fear Definition
Fear Definition Some people say FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. That’s a nice acronym. It’s catchy. It’s also not true. Calling it False Evidence is saying that fear is an illusion or a lie. …
#30: Overcoming anger using the Self Mastery program

I interviewed Joe who used the Self Mastery course to overcome his anger and anxiety reactions. He’s started to be aware that some of his emotional reactions are completely gone.
What Should I Do
What should I do? When you ask this question to someone else,,, you are opening the door to giving away your personal power and creating a victim mindset. This is a dangerous question to ask. …
#28: Conscious awakening

Waking up to the unconscious beliefs in your mind is an uncomfortable and disconcerting realization. In this episode I outline what is happening so you can keep the process in a larger perspective.
The Most Important Thing for Your Happiness
What’s the most important thing for your happiness? The simple answer is Love. Love is not only a beautiful feeling, but an incredibly transformative force. When we express love we create a feeling of happiness. …
Learning to be a Man
“The primary experience of being a man is being inadequate.” Robert Bly And then working so hard at a job, relationship, and success to overcome that feeling. We are a culture where grown men spend…
Overcoming Fear of Losing Money
Fear of Losing Money As you learn to live a happier life one of the things that will change is the quality of communication. Probably one of the most fearfully corrupt areas of communication is…
#27: Reasoning your way out of fear

Applying reasoning skills to overcoming fears is an uphill battle. That’s because the emotions we feel push us against accepting truthful reasoning. That’s because our fictional, or false beliefs often make us feel better emotionally.
#26: Overcoming fear of what others think of you

There is a structure of beliefs that support the fear of what others think of you. When you dismantle these beliefs, your fear dissipates, as well as the internal dialog that it drives. In this podcast I guide you through some of the resistance you will probably find when you attempt to overcome your fears.
Stop Negative Thinking
A Problem with Self Help Bob decides to adopt some self help strategies in order to be happier in his life and relationships. In order to improve himself and his life, Bob decides to think…
Your Role in Life
Archetypes A few years back I was at my bank withdrawing some money. My intention was to invest in the market. I was referred to one of their investment advisers who told me, “That’s dangerous.” …
#24: Fear and origins of the financial crisis

I cover how to use awareness to break free of fearful resistance to taking action. Jut for fun I also get into understanding origins of the financial crisis. The problem with bubbles, financial, romantic, or otherwise, is that they originate in the mind as illusions.
#22: Change your life – interview with Holly

In this interview I follow up with Holly who I interviewed in early 2007. She has continued to practice the exercises in the Self Mastery Course 1 and added the practices from the Self Mastery Course 2. The result is that she has transformed her emotions from fear to love.
Happiness and the Myth of Success
We are inundated since childhood with the philosophy to create happiness through successful achievement of our goals. Often this approach continues into adulthood. If we are offered another strategy for happiness later it isn’t nurtured…
Changing Your Point of View
Oh what a difference a point of view makes… Dear Gary, I have an experience to share instead of asking a question this time. I was doing the journal exercise and looking at a particularly…
Understanding Happiness
A woman was doing some research on Happiness for a school project and had a few questions for me. I typed up the answers to her questions on happiness and thought I would post them…
Consciousness There’s a lot we could say about what this brain researcher realized about the mind during her stroke, and her recovery. One point is that we have many different modalities with which to perceive…
Faster Personal and Emotional Change
Faster Personal Changes When a person engages in personal and spiritual growth practices they often begin with reading and gathering knowledge. This is a good place to start for background information. However the knowledge approach…