When you use your attention to control your beliefs, you can identify the assumptions you live by, and consciously choose another thought, interpretation, belief, or behavior about what is happening. There is a lot of great advice about not letting others bother you, or “don’t take anything personally.” What needs to be known to follow this advice is that you need control over your attention to follow it.
Posts Taggedattention
#71 The Dream of Maya
I’ve been doing a digital detox. I gave up news and social media for lent. I wanted to pull my attention out of the habitual cycle of opinions, fears, needing to be informed, emotions, and addictive social media scrolls. I wanted to clean up and clear space in my mind. In the process, I had this dream last week. It represents part of the Deam of Maya, or illusions we live in. If you want to be happy and fulfilled, you will need to move your attention out of such stories.
#70 Mastering the Mental Game
Pauline Victoria was born without arms or legs, Despite this physical challenge, she has done what many would think impossible. I wanted to know how she did things like drive, swim, and scuba dive. She said it was how she played the mental game to overcome her physical challenges. In this interview, I got to explore how Pauline masters her mental game. The mental game includes desire, faith, presence, surrender, and calming your nervous system with control over your attention.
How meditation can help you get faster results with self mastery work
By sitting in silence and observe you will get a clearer view of what is going on inside. You might need some help with overcoming limiting beliefs and initial resistance, but once you do meditation will be an invaluable friend on your journey to self awareness.
How to Stay Conscious and Aware
How to Stay Aware and Conscious The challenge in remembering to be mindful is that this isn’t about remembering at all. It is not like trying to recall a fact like the capitol of New…
How To Stay Mindful
When we learn something new it is important to note progress. It keeps our confidence up, and reinforces that we are doing the right thing. The most common sabotage to our mindfulness progress is the…
Controlling Your Mind
Hi Gary, I’m sorry that I e-mail you again. But I have this big problem that might be hard to explain but I’ll try. Your whole course depends on the belief that you can control…
#55: Origin of ego and false beliefs of identity
What are the false beliefs that form our Ego? Where do our false beliefs come from? When did we begin to get these false beliefs o our identity and lose touch with our authentic self?
#54: How do you recognize the truth?
From a consciousness perspective, even statements that are factual are still not the Truth. Words are what we use to describe a thing, or facts. But words are not the thing itself.
#53: Why lie to your self?
Lying to your self can cause a response in the reasoning part of your brain that makes you feel good. Sometimes people confuse this good feeling with being right, or feeling that they have just agreed with an explanation that is truthful.
#51: Unconscious beliefs
Unconscious beliefs are agreements we have in our mind that we have no awareness we are holding. In spite of not having any intellectual knowledge of our own beliefs, they can still cause us to have emotional reactions and sabotaging behaviors.
#50: Personal power and responsibility
When you take responsibility for your life, you also accept a power over it. Taking responsibility for the good stuff is easy, it is the not so good stuff that feels uncomfortable. But this is what you want the power to change.
How Our Mind Works
One of the ways our Mind Works is to automatically apply meaning to words and other symbols. This is a function of our learned belief system. I am having my book, MindWorks translated to Spanish. …
#48: Becoming the observer – mindfulness practice
When we act in the way of a neutral observer we notice different things. We notice when thoughts are arising from parts of our ego and the emotions they produce. We can also notice the idealized version in the background of our mind being used as comparison.
#47: Reality, projections and illusions
Once you realize that the mind that is distorting things is at the beginning of our perception and interpretation of events, you become aware that perceiving reality is much more difficult.
The Glass Is Your Life
Do you look at the glass and see it as half full, or half empty? It’s a question about the thoughts you think and the emotions you create because of the thoughts you tell yourself. …
How I Stopped Reacting To Slow Drivers
Perspective of the Slow Driver Story I was in my twenties and home visiting my parents. My dad’s back was in bad shape, something that had happened a couple other times when I was…
#41: Meditation for beginners
This simple meditation lets anyone begin to enter into a state of mindfulness using a very common sense practical approach. What our mind construes as a deeply mystical thing like meditation doesn’t have to be so esoteric.
#40: Self awareness and mindfulness
Understanding how your mind creates emotional reactions is key to making personal change. This understanding of the mind is done through mindfulness, also know as Self Awareness.