In the last post, I wrote about the model for the mind as being alive. All the ideas, thoughts, and beliefs in the mind are alive as well. Then how do you get rid of…
Posts Taggedabdication of power
The Pursuit of Happiness
In Pursuit of Happiness Being in pursuit of happiness seems to be a big deal. Bookshelves and magazines fill volumes with the topic. Even our founding fathers thought it rated a line in the Declaration…
Finding Your Power
How do you find your personal power? Finding Your Personal Power has the ability to change the direction of your life. A simple example of exercising personal power is changing habits. Changing a habit could…
#56: Social anxiety from unconscious beliefs

A man shares what he discovers as the source of his social anxiety that began when he was in 3rd grade. In this podcast I describe a process to dig into the layers of your unconscious beliefs, and release the emotional beliefs trapped there.
Bad Thoughts
Janet has a memory of when she was about 3 years old. She followed her mom into her baby brother’s room. Mom picked up her brother from the crib and laid him on the changing…
Anger Management
The Best Anger Management is Anger Prevention If you are reading this you don’t need to be told how destructive anger can be. You are already motivated to make changes in your emotionally driven behaviors. …
What Causes Anger?
What Causes Anger? What causes anger in a person? Why do we get angry over the smallest things and blow up out of proportion with what is happening? Why do we get angry at the…
#50: Personal power and responsibility

When you take responsibility for your life, you also accept a power over it. Taking responsibility for the good stuff is easy, it is the not so good stuff that feels uncomfortable. But this is what you want the power to change.
#49: Anxiety – understanding it differently

Attempts to overcoming or at least reduce anxiety tend to fail. Perhaps our efforts fail because we are applying the wrong understanding, and therefore the wrong model for changing it.
Stopping Negative Thoughts and Emotions
Adam wants to stop the negative thoughts and emotions of anxiety, insecurity, and frustration. But there is more to it than just thoughts and emotion. When you look closer you find there is something pushing…
Intent For Change
Finding the Force of Intent for Change What changes do you want to make? We can use anything as an example, get into better physical shape, eat healthier food, happier relationships, more free time, or…
How I Stopped Reacting To Slow Drivers
Perspective of the Slow Driver Story I was in my twenties and home visiting my parents. My dad’s back was in bad shape, something that had happened a couple other times when I was…
Self Sabotage
Hi Gary, My name is Patty and I just wanted to share with you something that happened in the past few days. You see, I am a senior veterinary student and I am preparing to…
Power over your Emotions
Losing Control to Your Emotions Why do we lose control to our emotional reactions? We have put so much into our beliefs that they are powerful and generate a lot of emotions. The power we…
Changing Limiting Beliefs – How Long Does It Take?
Changing Limiting Beliefs – How Long Does It Take? How long will it take?” they ask. That’s often the question as one is working through their issues of limiting beliefs, fears, emotional reactions, or sabotaging…
Power Over Happiness
Dear Gary I have a question, I understand that an agreement can be changed regarding an emotional reaction. But, people do move to California for better weather, or move away from Los Angeles to get…
#31: Miguel Ruiz and The Fifth Agreement

An interview with Miguel Ruiz about his book that is written with his son Jose Ruiz. We also talk about how the belief system creates a virtual reality, how we distort love, how to use doubt to question your beliefs and other things.
#29: Faith: the power behind your beliefs

Faith is more than a set of beliefs there is no evidence for or a doctrine of religious beliefs. Faith is a force. It is an aspect of your personal will power that you can use in various ways.
#28: Conscious awakening

Waking up to the unconscious beliefs in your mind is an uncomfortable and disconcerting realization. In this episode I outline what is happening so you can keep the process in a larger perspective.
Faith and the Power to Change Your Life
Faith Some people define faith as a belief in something for which they have no evidence for. Others think of faith as a set of religious beliefs. These are limited uses and understanding of faith. …