How do you define success? I define success as Happiness. It’s my emotions that inform me what success and failure are. If I were depressed and suffering I would feel like a failure. If I…
Self Mastery Review
Periodically I get appreciative emails from people telling how the Self Mastery course has helped change their life. I don’t usually post them, but here is one of them. Your individual results will vary. Hi…
Resistance to Change
There is supposed to be Resistance to the process. I didn’t set out to teach happiness directly, and if you follow what I teach you will probably notice that I don’t. I don’t focus on…
Am I Overreacting
Am I overreacting? How can I tell? It depends on what part of the picture you look at. Your emotional reaction might be out of proportion to the individual event that triggered it. However, when…
Source of Jealousy
Hello Gary, I would just like to firstly thank you for everything! You have made such a positive impact on my life so far with the Self Mastery program, your book and also the podcasts…
Not Feeling Heard Is Anyone Listening To Me?
Not feeling heard? Try this. Sometimes we feel we are not being listened too. Sometimes that feeling is from an accurate assessment of other people’s behavior and sometimes it is just us. It may be…
How To Create Wealth
How Do You Create Wealth First take time to notice the abundance in your life. How much is your eyesight worth? How much is your hearing worth? How much is the ability to breath and…
Stopping Negative Thoughts and Emotions
Adam wants to stop the negative thoughts and emotions of anxiety, insecurity, and frustration. But there is more to it than just thoughts and emotion. When you look closer you find there is something pushing…
Needy Relationships | Getting Your Needs Met Without Being Needy
Being Needy in a Relationship Having needs is not the same as being needy in a relationship. No man is an island. And neither is a woman. We all have needs, but we don’t have…
The Glass Is Your Life
Do you look at the glass and see it as half full, or half empty? It’s a question about the thoughts you think and the emotions you create because of the thoughts you tell yourself. …
What is Your Self Worth ?
What is Your Self Worth? How do you value your self? Do you sometimes consider your resume or education to get an idea of how an employer would value you and use that standard? Are…
Stress in Childhood as a Cause for ADHD
Dr. Gabor Maté discusses the importance of environment and stress of the parent for mind and brain development in children. The topics he covers include ADD/ADHD, implicit memory and counter-will. He delivered his presentation at…
Intent For Change
Finding the Force of Intent for Change What changes do you want to make? We can use anything as an example, get into better physical shape, eat healthier food, happier relationships, more free time, or…
Love Is A Mystery
I was at a friends wedding recently and asked to share some words at their ceremony. I was inspired by the love and beauty of the preparations, and their devotion to each other and put…
The Problem With Perfection
My life didn’t change in one moment. I wish it had been that simple. For me, big changes happen over time in many steps. One particular issue that I needed to change showed up fairly…
I Don’t Feel Understood
Understanding and not feeling understood. Communication is a peculiar thing. We didn’t always have it. It only started to develop as a detailed set of grunts about 100,000 years ago. Over time our vocalizations have…
Ritual and Ceremony in Everyday Life
Why do I use ceremony and ritual in my process and at my events? The short answer is because it works. But that answer wouldn’t have sufficed for me when I started this inner work….
Ceremony to Change Beliefs
My Experience with Ceremony About the time I was discovering fears and false beliefs that I was living by I was also reading Care of the Soul by Thomas Moore. I decided to create a…
Self Sabotage Disguised as Encouraging Words
“I should be practicing more than I am.” One of the most common sabotaging thoughts a person has is, “I should be doing more than I am.” It can sound like a statement of fact,…