Chemical changes that can imbalance you I don’t know everything, but I am willing to be open-minded and learn. I occasionally get asked by people who want to know whether they should take anti-depressants or…
Browsing CategoryHappiness
Trapped in the Ego
Gary: I started the (Self Mastery) course a few months back. Today I sat down and envisioned myself in the last situation through which I had so much jealousy, anger, bitterness and resentment. I was…
Holding Myself Back
“I’m holding back.” – A Self Reflection Process Why am I holding back? What is stopping me? Why do you think you are holding back? Some people notice a thought or behavior and they recognize…
Changing Limiting Beliefs – How Long Does It Take?
Changing Limiting Beliefs – How Long Does It Take? How long will it take?” they ask. That’s often the question as one is working through their issues of limiting beliefs, fears, emotional reactions, or sabotaging…
Noticing Resistance and Measuring Progress
Resistance and Progress One of the clues that inroads are being made on your belief system and emotions is when the Judge and Victim really complain about this work. They will tell you things like…
Existential Depression
Hello Gary, I’ve been visiting your site often over the past weeks, and I’m on the second session in your Self-Mastery program. I’ve listened to most of your free audio already. My experience with spirituality…
Happiness as a Goal Makes You More Successful
Do we work to be happy, or are we better off at work being happy first. Shawn Anchor explains how some of our beliefs about happiness and work may be backwards. One important point he…
Lies, Beliefs, and Healthy Exercise
Have you ever run the same conversation in your head over and over again? You might find that after looking at it for a while you will notice a certain circular pattern. Of course that’s…
Near Enemy
Avoiding Your Near Enemy Any good tool, technique, practice, or philosophy, can help you out of suffering and into greater happiness and love. When that tool, technique, practice, or philosophy is taken too far, it…
Holiday Stress Reducer
The holidays are coming up. For many people that means a joyous time of added stress. What causes stress? A number of things can do it, but basically it comes down to a difference…
What is wrong with me?
“What is wrong with me?”, is a question I get quite often. Honestly,,, nothing. In truth you are fine. There really is nothing wrong with you. That’s my perspective with everyone I talk to….
What are you looking for in your life
What Are You Looking for In Your Life? Have you ever been asked “What are you looking for in your life?” and never knew what to say? So, what are you looking for in your…
Two Different Emotional Reactions
Sam had the realization that he was having two very different emotional reactions to the same comment when two different people said it. It made him curious as to why he would react so differently…
Be A Zen Monk Driver in Traffic
As a little driving experiment, or perhaps, as a completely different way to live your life, consider the following. –
Practical Wisdom from Barry Swartz
Practical Wisdom Talk by Barry Swartz From the TED Talks Archives: We can’t solve our problems by laying down a set of rules and pretending that following them to the letter will produce desired results….
Dealing With Holiday Stress
Holiday Stress It is the best of times. It is the worst of times. It’s that time of year when we have more parties, social gatherings, big meals with family, presents, beautiful music, all celebrated in our…
Power Over Happiness
Dear Gary I have a question, I understand that an agreement can be changed regarding an emotional reaction. But, people do move to California for better weather, or move away from Los Angeles to get…
Daniel kahneman: on Happiness from Memories and Happiness from Experience
Daniel Kahneman complicates and clarifies happiness. One of Daniel’s positions is that much of our happiness about an experience is from our memory of that experience. Daniel address that this memory is subjective as it…
The Possibility of Happiness and a Quiet Mind
What’s possible in the realm of happiness and quieting your mind? I come across many people who assume that the level of mastery they have over their emotions and beliefs is the limit of what…
Fear Definition
Fear Definition Some people say FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. That’s a nice acronym. It’s catchy. It’s also not true. Calling it False Evidence is saying that fear is an illusion or a lie. …