Hello Gary, I’m David from Texas. I have gone through both the first and second Self Mastery Course. I was amazed and impressed with your understanding and insight to how miserable a person can be…
Posts Taggedunconditional love
How To Be Happy
How to be happy “How to be happy” Step One: Self Help and Goal Setting Can actually cause a negative affect The process of self improvement often has a destructive impact mentally and and emotionally….
What is enlightenment? Meaning of Enlightenment One of the problems in explaining enlightenment is that we have to use words. Words are only symbols and don’t give the real understanding. The letters of a word…
Seeking Unconditional Love
The Spiritual Journey is for you if you are serious about increasing the amount love and happiness in your lives. Coming to the Spiritual Retreat in Mexico is like coming home to a place you belong….
Conditional Love
How We Learned about Conditional Love I’m going to assume you had well adjusted parents. If you didn’t, then just amplify the impact of what you are reading here by the amount of extra drama…
How to Stay Conscious and Aware
How to Stay Aware and Conscious The challenge in remembering to be mindful is that this isn’t about remembering at all. It is not like trying to recall a fact like the capitol of New…
How To Stay Mindful
When we learn something new it is important to note progress. It keeps our confidence up, and reinforces that we are doing the right thing. The most common sabotage to our mindfulness progress is the…
Love Is A Mystery
I was at a friends wedding recently and asked to share some words at their ceremony. I was inspired by the love and beauty of the preparations, and their devotion to each other and put…
What are you looking for in your life
What Are You Looking for In Your Life? Have you ever been asked “What are you looking for in your life?” and never knew what to say? So, what are you looking for in your…
#34: Spiritual journey interview

Carolyn comes to a seven day intensive and discovers what it is like to shed fear based self judgments from her childhood and embrace the experience of unconditional love. It’s no longer an intellectual idea that she reads about in books. It is a tangible way of living life that is now a very real possibility for her life.
The Most Important Thing for Your Happiness
What’s the most important thing for your happiness? The simple answer is Love. Love is not only a beautiful feeling, but an incredibly transformative force. When we express love we create a feeling of happiness. …
#22: Change your life – interview with Holly

In this interview I follow up with Holly who I interviewed in early 2007. She has continued to practice the exercises in the Self Mastery Course 1 and added the practices from the Self Mastery Course 2. The result is that she has transformed her emotions from fear to love.
Different Aspects of Love
Dear Gary, Generally I find I can either answer questions I have by listening to something you’ve already recorded or by simply realizing the question was bogus to begin with, but every so often I…
Spiritual Journey through Illusions
Years ago I was on a trip through the southwest and was camping in Zion National Park when I found what I was looking for in my quest. I was journeying in a dream at…
#08: Fear and overcoming fear

Fear is that emotional force that drives us in a direction away from joy, happiness, and love. Fear can paralyze us to the point that we feel helpless and suffocated. Often fear appears irrational, but it only looks this way at the surface.