In the Relationship Communication and Connection Course, a key question came up while we were teaching how to hold presence to be a good listener: What do you do if the other person is angry…
Posts Taggedrelationship needs
A Common Conversation Killer
I want to share with you one of the biggest conversation killers I used to be guilty of—one that hit me hard when I finally saw it. Have you ever found yourself preparing a response…
Are You Connecting in Your Relationship?
The Quality of Your Conversations Shapes the Quality of Your Relationships ?The conversation is the beginning and the backbone of relationships. A good conversation builds feelings of trust, respect, acceptance, kindness, and love. We know…
Symbols of Love in Relationships
What are the symbols of unconditional love? To find what the symbols of unconditional love are, let’s talk about what love actually is. What is love? What are the symbols of unconditional love? Flowers can…
Emotional Safety and Security in Relationships
Are You In a Healthy Relationship? Evaluating whether you are in a safe, healthy relationship can be an important step. To love and be loved. Love, acceptance, respect, desire, security, and passion are all things…
Understanding Relationships and Emotional Drama
It can be difficult to understand a person we are in relationship with especially when sometimes we don’t even understand ourselves. Why do we feel good about ourselves one moment and bad another? Why does…
What makes you happy in relationships?
What makes you unhappy in your relationships? Be aware of the assumptions that your mind offers. Could it be something else? Many of us learned to believe early in life that other people determine our…
Source of Jealousy
Hello Gary, I would just like to firstly thank you for everything! You have made such a positive impact on my life so far with the Self Mastery program, your book and also the podcasts…
Not Feeling Heard Is Anyone Listening To Me?
Not feeling heard? Try this. Sometimes we feel we are not being listened too. Sometimes that feeling is from an accurate assessment of other people’s behavior and sometimes it is just us. It may be…
Needy Relationships | Getting Your Needs Met Without Being Needy
Being Needy in a Relationship Having needs is not the same as being needy in a relationship. No man is an island. And neither is a woman. We all have needs, but we don’t have…
I Don’t Feel Understood
Understanding and not feeling understood. Communication is a peculiar thing. We didn’t always have it. It only started to develop as a detailed set of grunts about 100,000 years ago. Over time our vocalizations have…
Feeling Connected
Gary, I have just completed the first Self Mastery course but am troubled by something. I agree with all you say and can see the validity of implementing each of your suggestions. However, a couple…
#13: How to tell if a relationship will work

There are specific indicators to tell if your relationship will run into trouble down the road. The signs aren’t found in how much love, romance or physical attraction there is. Two people can have great chemistry but still not be compatible.
Jealousy Question
Ask Gary, I wrote to you about a week ago about how my jealousy issue and how I have a problem with my girlfriends past, and how that is very hypocritical of me because my…
Controlling Relationships
What are some dynamics of an emotionally controlling relationship? I want to look beyond some of the of verbal criticism, put downs, and judgments that are the obvious elements of emotionally abusive and controlling relationships….
Respect in Relationships
Gary, My lover consistently takes actions I feel are disrespectful and my reaction is that my desire to do loving things for her (sweet talk, flowers, even regular conversation) decreases dramatically. Q1 How do you…
#06: Love relationships part II

Our body has physical desires, our emotions have a desire to express love and our mind has a desire to have its beliefs and expectations met. This can create some internal conflict that gets more complicated when we add another person’s desires to the mix.
#05: Love relationships part I

Desires for a relationship come from deep within us. They aren’t desires for a specific person so much as a need for expression and experience of connection and feeling that we can have with another person. Those desires include the emotion of love, physical affection and sexual satisfaction.