I had a dental checkup. My experience was basically a result of my attention, and the stories I made up during the hour. How did it go? What was the story I told to…
Posts Taggedjudgments
The Inner Critic can be tamed
It would be nice if the Inner Critic, what I call the Judge, would go away in a one step process. That rarely happens. There have been a couple people that might have done it….
Bad Thoughts
Janet has a memory of when she was about 3 years old. She followed her mom into her baby brother’s room. Mom picked up her brother from the crib and laid him on the changing…
False Humility and Self Image
I used to think that I knew it all. No. That’s not correct. It was worse than that. I knew that I knew better than other people. I didn’t want to act like I had…
Repressed Emotions
Repressed Emotions Memories are a kind of informational energy that we can store for years.The physical body has the ability to store energy in the form of emotions as well. These stored emotions can be…
#46: Affirmations can backfire

Sometimes people get poor results with affirmations. When they say positive things about themselves the dialogue of thoughts in their head pushes back with harsh negative comments.
Stopping Negative Thoughts and Emotions
Adam wants to stop the negative thoughts and emotions of anxiety, insecurity, and frustration. But there is more to it than just thoughts and emotion. When you look closer you find there is something pushing…
The Problem With Perfection
My life didn’t change in one moment. I wish it had been that simple. For me, big changes happen over time in many steps. One particular issue that I needed to change showed up fairly…
Self Sabotage Disguised as Encouraging Words
“I should be practicing more than I am.” One of the most common sabotaging thoughts a person has is, “I should be doing more than I am.” It can sound like a statement of fact,…
Pursuing Perfection Hides Patterns of Self Sabotage
Self-Sabotage in the Pursuit of Perfection Perfection is the enemy of progress when it comes to learning something new. If you are trying to get things perfect, you end up focusing on all the things…
Free of Judgmental Thoughts
Living Without Judgmental Thoughts Several years ago, I spent the day with a friend from high school and her class of second graders. For physical education we went to the grass field and played a…
Persistence and Resistance
There might be simple rules or edicts to follow to be happy, but sometimes following them ain’t that easy. When we struggle to follow simple rules of happiness it is because fear and false beliefs…
#44: Persistence and resistance

What does resistance look like and how do you navigate around it to make changes in your self? Jamie is one of the most persistent people at doing personal change work that I know. She also resists change, happiness and unconditional love more than just about anyone I know.
#42: Stop beating your self up

To effectively change the thoughts and beliefs we beat our self up with it is important to look at the problem differently. That’s what I do in this episode on what specifically happens when you are “beating yourself up”.
What is wrong with me?
“What is wrong with me?”, is a question I get quite often. Honestly,,, nothing. In truth you are fine. There really is nothing wrong with you. That’s my perspective with everyone I talk to….
I Should Be Further Along Than I Am
How many times in our process have we had the thought, “I should be further along than I am.” Really? To that comment I sometimes like to ask two questions, One: “In terms of percentage,…
Overcoming Self Judgment
Self Judgment for Not Breaking the Pattern of Self Judgment David had a relationship break up about 5 years ago. In the aftermath he felt miserable. The voices in his head were kicking in with…
#17: Self Judgment

Self Judgment is the most common type of abuse. It’s self abuse. No one is more critical of you than the voice in your head. If anyone else talked to you the way the Judge in your mind spoke to you, you would fight back or walk away from them.
Jealousy Question
Ask Gary, I wrote to you about a week ago about how my jealousy issue and how I have a problem with my girlfriends past, and how that is very hypocritical of me because my…
How to have Confidence
Question from the forums on Steve Pavlina.com where I responded. A lot of people think I am a confident guy… I think I am very good at faking confidence. Why? Because doubt is a constant…