It would be nice if the Inner Critic, what I call the Judge, would go away in a one step process. That rarely happens. There have been a couple people that might have done it….
Posts Taggedjudge
Consciousness VS. The Ego
What is Consciousness? If you are wondering what consciousness is and how you get there, you are not alone. Asking “what is consciousness?” is like asking what is love? You don’t know what love is…
Damaging Effects of Criticism
If you want to change your life, consider this. Criticism is probably one of the most toxic and destructive things a human can do to themselves or another. Criticism and judgments are rejections. These include self-criticism…
The Perfectionist
Perfection can Inspire us to a goal, or be a demon in our head that makes us suffer. The Perfectionist is one of the voices in our head. It has the role of pointing out all…
Persistence and Resistance
There might be simple rules or edicts to follow to be happy, but sometimes following them ain’t that easy. When we struggle to follow simple rules of happiness it is because fear and false beliefs…
#42: Stop beating your self up

To effectively change the thoughts and beliefs we beat our self up with it is important to look at the problem differently. That’s what I do in this episode on what specifically happens when you are “beating yourself up”.
Judgement: What is it good for?
Hi Gary! I have been enjoying the Self Mastery Audio Series and am currently on Session 9: Emotions. Thank you for making such a wonderful program available. The Judging voice in my head has a…
Criticizing Your Partner or the People You Love
Why do we say judgmental criticizing things to the person we love? Why we criticize our husband or wife and what we can do about it? Because we become so comfortable with that person that…
Stop Negative Thinking
A Problem with Self Help Bob decides to adopt some self help strategies in order to be happier in his life and relationships. In order to improve himself and his life, Bob decides to think…
Your Role in Life
Archetypes A few years back I was at my bank withdrawing some money. My intention was to invest in the market. I was referred to one of their investment advisers who told me, “That’s dangerous.” …
#17: Self Judgment

Self Judgment is the most common type of abuse. It’s self abuse. No one is more critical of you than the voice in your head. If anyone else talked to you the way the Judge in your mind spoke to you, you would fight back or walk away from them.
#07: Identify and change core beliefs

What are core beliefs and how do you identify them? That’s what many people are realizing they need to do to change their emotional reactions. The problem is where do you look to find core beliefs?
#03: Emotional reactions

When it comes to stopping or changing emotional reactions people often approach the problem like they are fixing a car. The assumption seems to be that if we change one thing the whole problem will go away.