Want to know where your low self esteem and insecurities come from? It’s based on emotion, not self-image. To build self confidence and overcome low self esteem is to change how we feel emotionally about…
Posts Taggedinsecurity
#56: Social anxiety from unconscious beliefs

A man shares what he discovers as the source of his social anxiety that began when he was in 3rd grade. In this podcast I describe a process to dig into the layers of your unconscious beliefs, and release the emotional beliefs trapped there.
Insecurity and Depression
Hi Gary, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your incredible gift. I am 51 and have spent years and $$$ on trying to find the answer to my “problems”. I tried psychologists,…
#43: Overcoming insecurity and develop confidence

Attempts to develop confidence often fail because they revolve around projecting a positive self image or achieving success. Unfortunately these two things don’t eliminate other beliefs causing feelings of insecurity.
I Should Be Further Along Than I Am
How many times in our process have we had the thought, “I should be further along than I am.” Really? To that comment I sometimes like to ask two questions, One: “In terms of percentage,…
What Should I Do
What should I do? When you ask this question to someone else,,, you are opening the door to giving away your personal power and creating a victim mindset. This is a dangerous question to ask. …
Faith and the Power to Change Your Life
Faith Some people define faith as a belief in something for which they have no evidence for. Others think of faith as a set of religious beliefs. These are limited uses and understanding of faith. …
Your Role in Life
Archetypes A few years back I was at my bank withdrawing some money. My intention was to invest in the market. I was referred to one of their investment advisers who told me, “That’s dangerous.” …
Why we feel insecure In our mind we develop images of who we are. Our imagination develops a story of our self and we imagine our self in different roles. Those images and story roles…
Insecurity in Relationships
Dear Gary, I just experienced this jealousy reaction. I have a girlfriend for a year now, but still struggle with the fact that sometimes I feel I’ve been giving in too much and that she’s…