Where is your ego hiding? ? Your ego hides by disguising itself as You. It makes a mental version and then it pretends to be You. In this way it creates a second version of your…
Posts Taggedego
#87 Changing Beliefs

Changing Beliefs using the Self Mastery Course from PathwayToHappiness.com is explained by Gary van Warmerdam. I outline the beliefs at the root of negative thoughts and emotional reactions affecting behavior. Then I outline how the Self Mastery practices guide you to develop the skills needed to do an inventory of your beliefs and dissolve them.
The Inner Critic – a Conversation
The following summarizes two guided conversations I had with my client John, and a voice in his head I call the Judge. You might be more familiar with the term inner critic. It’s the kind…
What Causes War
War. It’s on my mind. Actions in Russia and Ukraine are causing really deaths, destruction of loves, and suffering. Here are some rambling thoughts. I’m paying attention to what is going on in Ukraine. I…
Ego, Pain Body, and Parasites as models for the mind
I want to give you a different model for the mind. Why would I do this? Because I like to challenge current paradigms and set people free from limiting beliefs. Including my own. One of…
Consciousness VS. The Ego
What is Consciousness? If you are wondering what consciousness is and how you get there, you are not alone. Asking “what is consciousness?” is like asking what is love? You don’t know what love is…
The Mind Creates Irrational Fears
The Mind Creates Illusions About Money that we React to with Fear People will often refer to their emotions or fears as irrational. But if we learn how emotions are created, we can see that…
How to Overcome Jealousy
How to Overcome Jealousy Overcoming jealousy is like changing any emotional reaction or behavior. It begins with awareness. Awareness allows you to see that the projected stories in your mind are not true. When you…
False Humility and Self Image
I used to think that I knew it all. No. That’s not correct. It was worse than that. I knew that I knew better than other people. I didn’t want to act like I had…
#55: Origin of ego and false beliefs of identity

What are the false beliefs that form our Ego? Where do our false beliefs come from? When did we begin to get these false beliefs o our identity and lose touch with our authentic self?
How to Change a Belief
How to Change Your Mind When we talk about changing our mind, what we really mean is changing a belief within ourselves. With all our intellectual smarts and education you would think that changing a…
How Your Ego Sabotages Change
Instant Gratification: How Your Ego Sabotages Change The expectation of instant gratification isn’t always easy to recognize. I was talking with a client and he mentioned that the process of changing beliefs was too hard. …
#46: Affirmations can backfire

Sometimes people get poor results with affirmations. When they say positive things about themselves the dialogue of thoughts in their head pushes back with harsh negative comments.
Needy Relationships | Getting Your Needs Met Without Being Needy
Being Needy in a Relationship Having needs is not the same as being needy in a relationship. No man is an island. And neither is a woman. We all have needs, but we don’t have…
What Is Worth Fighting For
Recently a client asked me, “Are there some things worth fighting for? It seems like all this work is about acceptance, and making peace, and being grateful. Do you just kind of roll over and…
I Don’t Feel Lovable
The issue of Not Feeling Lovable came up a couple times recently. It’s a common belief, and it comes with a feeling, sometimes a very strong feeling. Recently a woman who was given up for…
What Is Ego?
What is Ego? The ego is the identity concept our mind constructed. It is an identity that is false. We are more than just the mind and the ego. If we take all the beliefs…
Trapped in the Ego
Gary: I started the (Self Mastery) course a few months back. Today I sat down and envisioned myself in the last situation through which I had so much jealousy, anger, bitterness and resentment. I was…
Persistence and Resistance
There might be simple rules or edicts to follow to be happy, but sometimes following them ain’t that easy. When we struggle to follow simple rules of happiness it is because fear and false beliefs…