Be Mindful of Fear Based Beliefs Used In Politics If you are afraid your nervous system shifts to a fight/flight/freeze response and this puts your mind in the same type of thinking. You are in…
Posts Taggedbeliefs
Fear Based Beliefs In Politics
Be Mindful of Fear Based Beliefs Used In Politics If you are afraid your nervous system shifts to a fight/flight/freeze response and this puts your mind in the same type of thinking. You are in…
Controlling Your Mind
Hi Gary, I’m sorry that I e-mail you again. But I have this big problem that might be hard to explain but I’ll try. Your whole course depends on the belief that you can control…
Belief Systems
This article is a transcript from a talk given by Gary van Warmerdam on Belief Systems. The Youtube video from that talk is embedded below. What we’re talking about is this thing called the belief…
#51: Unconscious beliefs

Unconscious beliefs are agreements we have in our mind that we have no awareness we are holding. In spite of not having any intellectual knowledge of our own beliefs, they can still cause us to have emotional reactions and sabotaging behaviors.
Improving Relationship Communication
Small Relationship Changes That Get Big Results John Gottman studied relationships over many years noticing the small things we do in our interactions. By observing small gestures in their conversation he could tell with better…
How Not to be Jealous of Your Friends
Our mind can work like a computer doing multiple processes in parallel. In one story we are happy for our friend and their recent success. In a parallel emotional track we have a pang of…
How to Change a Belief
How to Change Your Mind When we talk about changing our mind, what we really mean is changing a belief within ourselves. With all our intellectual smarts and education you would think that changing a…
“How is everything?” | Why this could be a conversation ender
Asking “How is Everything?” could be a conversation ender Have you ever noticed that when you sometimes ask, “How is everything going?” that you get a conversation- ending, “Fine.” Reaching out to your partner for…
Resistance to Change
There is supposed to be Resistance to the process. I didn’t set out to teach happiness directly, and if you follow what I teach you will probably notice that I don’t. I don’t focus on…
Intent For Change
Finding the Force of Intent for Change What changes do you want to make? We can use anything as an example, get into better physical shape, eat healthier food, happier relationships, more free time, or…
Ceremony to Change Beliefs
My Experience with Ceremony About the time I was discovering fears and false beliefs that I was living by I was also reading Care of the Soul by Thomas Moore. I decided to create a…
Self Sabotage Disguised as Encouraging Words
“I should be practicing more than I am.” One of the most common sabotaging thoughts a person has is, “I should be doing more than I am.” It can sound like a statement of fact,…
Voices In My Head
Is it normal to have voices in my head? Actually, yes. It does not mean you are crazy or need medication. From a separate interview about her backround: Jon Ronson: Let’s back up a…
Where Is The Best Place To Start ?
What is the best approach to take advantage of all this material? It can be a bit daunting once you start looking through the website and you might be wondering where you should start. So…
How I Stopped Reacting To Slow Drivers
Perspective of the Slow Driver Story I was in my twenties and home visiting my parents. My dad’s back was in bad shape, something that had happened a couple other times when I was…
Five Stages of Happiness – Part 5
Authentic Happiness – Stage 5 (Read from the beginning) This is where the words like authenticity, genuine, humility, unconditional love, enlightened, and wise have meaning. The person that has transcended the conditional happiness modes they…
Five Stages of Happiness – Part 4
Transition to Authentic Happiness – Stage Four Read from beginning At 20 something it is easy to be optimistic and have lots of positive thoughts about our self and the future. We confidently believe…
Five Stages of Happiness – Part 3
Conditional Happiness – Stage Three (read from the beginning) By the time we are adults there are thousands of rules we follow. What bad words we can’t say, grades we are supposed to get, how…
Five Stages of Happiness – Part 2
Transition to Conditional or Socialized Happiness – Stage Two (read from beginning Happiness Stage 1) From the time we are able to talk and understand the word, “NO!” we begin to get socialized. Growing up…