When we learn something new it is important to note progress. It keeps our confidence up, and reinforces that we are doing the right thing. The most common sabotage to our mindfulness progress is the…
Posts Taggedawareness
#54: How do you recognize the truth?

From a consciousness perspective, even statements that are factual are still not the Truth. Words are what we use to describe a thing, or facts. But words are not the thing itself.
Belief Systems
This article is a transcript from a talk given by Gary van Warmerdam on Belief Systems. The Youtube video from that talk is embedded below. What we’re talking about is this thing called the belief…
#50: Personal power and responsibility

When you take responsibility for your life, you also accept a power over it. Taking responsibility for the good stuff is easy, it is the not so good stuff that feels uncomfortable. But this is what you want the power to change.
Becoming The Observer
Becoming the Observer is more than just thinking about yourself. It really is a different state of mind. Whether you are doing meditation, mindfulness practices, therapy, or other personal development work, becoming the observer is…
#48: Becoming the observer – mindfulness practice

When we act in the way of a neutral observer we notice different things. We notice when thoughts are arising from parts of our ego and the emotions they produce. We can also notice the idealized version in the background of our mind being used as comparison.
#47: Reality, projections and illusions

Once you realize that the mind that is distorting things is at the beginning of our perception and interpretation of events, you become aware that perceiving reality is much more difficult.
“How is everything?” | Why this could be a conversation ender
Asking “How is Everything?” could be a conversation ender Have you ever noticed that when you sometimes ask, “How is everything going?” that you get a conversation- ending, “Fine.” Reaching out to your partner for…
Not Feeling Heard Is Anyone Listening To Me?
Not feeling heard? Try this. Sometimes we feel we are not being listened too. Sometimes that feeling is from an accurate assessment of other people’s behavior and sometimes it is just us. It may be…
What is Your Self Worth ?
What is Your Self Worth? How do you value your self? Do you sometimes consider your resume or education to get an idea of how an employer would value you and use that standard? Are…
The Problem With Perfection
My life didn’t change in one moment. I wish it had been that simple. For me, big changes happen over time in many steps. One particular issue that I needed to change showed up fairly…
Self Sabotage Disguised as Encouraging Words
“I should be practicing more than I am.” One of the most common sabotaging thoughts a person has is, “I should be doing more than I am.” It can sound like a statement of fact,…
Voices In My Head
Is it normal to have voices in my head? Actually, yes. It does not mean you are crazy or need medication. From a separate interview about her backround: Jon Ronson: Let’s back up a…
How Change Happens
How Is Your Change Going To Happen? I had minor arthroscopic knee surgery a few months back. I visited a physical therapist afterwards to help with the recovery. He gave me a few exercises to…
Where Is The Best Place To Start ?
What is the best approach to take advantage of all this material? It can be a bit daunting once you start looking through the website and you might be wondering where you should start. So…
How I Stopped Reacting To Slow Drivers
Perspective of the Slow Driver Story I was in my twenties and home visiting my parents. My dad’s back was in bad shape, something that had happened a couple other times when I was…
Self Sabotage
Hi Gary, My name is Patty and I just wanted to share with you something that happened in the past few days. You see, I am a senior veterinary student and I am preparing to…
Happiness Every Day
From Seeker to Finder Discovering Every Day Happiness by George Kimeldorf I’ve been alive 25,567 days. That is a long time. All I have ever wanted during that time was to be happy-nothing more….
Five Stages of Happiness – Part 5
Authentic Happiness – Stage 5 (Read from the beginning) This is where the words like authenticity, genuine, humility, unconditional love, enlightened, and wise have meaning. The person that has transcended the conditional happiness modes they…
Five Stages of Happiness – Part 4
Transition to Authentic Happiness – Stage Four Read from beginning At 20 something it is easy to be optimistic and have lots of positive thoughts about our self and the future. We confidently believe…