I have a lot of respect for the work of Eckhart Tolle. Part of the genius of his best selling book, The Power of Now, is that he keeps it simple. This is extremely helpful…
Browsing CategoryEmotional reactions
Controlling Your Happiness
Here is the critical point to understand when it comes to controlling your happiness. You can control your happiness to the degree that you can control your attention in your mind. By controlling your attention…
Self Mastery – Course Feedback
Hi Gary, Thank you so much for the wonderful workshop on Saturday. I did not come expecting an epiphany, but there it was. The course has been helping, in ways that are dramatic when I…
The Trap of Emotional Denial
The Meaning of Denial Do you know the meaning of denial? In my last post I talked about the Two Paths to Happiness. I’ll share a bit here about why it is important to actively…
Real Courage
I previously posted about what we typically learn to think of as courage. In that post I shared how my previous understanding of courage fell apart. The awareness and insight that I got from a…
I want to be happy
The desire to be happy takes many forms. For simplicity sake I’ll just talk about two forms of desire for happiness. One type of desire to be happy looks to be the strongest, but in…
Personal Growth Is Not Linear
Progress is not linear, particularly when you are changing core beliefs. Sometimes they are like walls we are hitting with a hammer. We are working and sweating and it seems like nothing is changing. Then,…
Understanding the Mirror of Relationships
Some people talk in the personal growth and new age circles about using relationship as a mirror to understand your self. I’ve seen this idea of a relationship mirror described in so many ways, often…
Be Impeccable with Your Word
In the book The Four Agreements, the author Miguel Ruiz offers a code for living a life of peace and happiness. The first principle Miguel offers in this code of conduct for your life is…
Facing Fear
I’m in my final year , of high school and today I got one my quizzes back (worth around 2-4%). I realized I had gotten a 60% and a 69% on two different parts. At…
Controlling Relationships
What are some dynamics of an emotionally controlling relationship? I want to look beyond some of the of verbal criticism, put downs, and judgments that are the obvious elements of emotionally abusive and controlling relationships….
Desire for Love and Consciousness
Hi Gary, There is one issue that I have been pondering about, and wonder if you can help me with the benefit of your experience? The one common thread in all experiences of realization, or…
Insecurity in Relationships
Dear Gary, I just experienced this jealousy reaction. I have a girlfriend for a year now, but still struggle with the fact that sometimes I feel I’ve been giving in too much and that she’s…
Self Awareness for Emotional Decisions
What is self awareness? For starters it involves knowing your self. A person with self awareness knows about their own personality. They know their strengths and weaknesses. They know how they react under stress and…
Character and Integrity
The opportunities to realize and grow our character is when we face challenging moments in life. This becomes challenging because our mind is conditioned to turn away in these of uncomfortable emotions. The mind will…