Where is your ego hiding? ? Your ego hides by disguising itself as You. It makes a mental version and then it pretends to be You. In this way it creates a second version of your…
Posts Taggedbeliefs
Understanding Emotional Reactions
I write this to help you understand some of the inner landscape of emotional reactions that you might be navigating or perhaps to help you understand someone close to you. Making Sense of the Inner…
Sources of Emotions
In my book MindWorks, I describe nine sources of emotions. Here, I will explain just two of them and describe how they create conflicts and repressions in our bodies. Sometimes, people notice that some of…
#87 Changing Beliefs

Changing Beliefs using the Self Mastery Course from PathwayToHappiness.com is explained by Gary van Warmerdam. I outline the beliefs at the root of negative thoughts and emotional reactions affecting behavior. Then I outline how the Self Mastery practices guide you to develop the skills needed to do an inventory of your beliefs and dissolve them.
The Inner Critic – a Conversation
The following summarizes two guided conversations I had with my client John, and a voice in his head I call the Judge. You might be more familiar with the term inner critic. It’s the kind…
#86 Beliefs and Attention

When you use your attention to control your beliefs, you can identify the assumptions you live by, and consciously choose another thought, interpretation, belief, or behavior about what is happening. There is a lot of great advice about not letting others bother you, or “don’t take anything personally.” What needs to be known to follow this advice is that you need control over your attention to follow it.
#85 Beliefs are the Key to Change

Changing beliefs will allow you to change your narrative story and emotions. Beliefs are also the foundation for how economic, political, monetary, and social systems work. If you want to understand any one of those aspects, you will need to understand how beliefs work because that is the basis.
#83 How To Change a Belief

In this session, I guide Greg, a Self Mastery subscriber, through changing a belief. The narrative of the belief is “I’m not ready.” However, the roots of that narrative story are based in the emotional experiences of a young child who was pushed to do things before he was ready. The belief is actually an energetic memory formed in the mind of a young child, with emotion, perspective, fear, several stories, and a need for protection.
Three Ways to Change a Belief
In the last post, I wrote about the model for the mind as being alive. All the ideas, thoughts, and beliefs in the mind are alive as well. Then how do you get rid of…
Repressed Anger
Repressed Anger Are you holding it back? At an event last year and I was walking to evening class. I passed Sam and asked him how he was doing. He said he was really angry….
Emotional pain and human suffering
Teachings I learned from Don Miguel Ruiz What I learned from don Miguel Ruiz is more than can be fit into the internet. (Unconditional Love gets lost in the digital translation) Before meeting Miguel, life…
The Mind Creates Irrational Fears
The Mind Creates Illusions About Money that we React to with Fear People will often refer to their emotions or fears as irrational. But if we learn how emotions are created, we can see that…
The Pursuit of Happiness
In Pursuit of Happiness Being in pursuit of happiness seems to be a big deal. Bookshelves and magazines fill volumes with the topic. Even our founding fathers thought it rated a line in the Declaration…
Core Belief Inventory: Anger
The process of developing self mastery requires that we be completely honest with our self. One of the tools to assist in this complete honesty is the core belief inventory. By making an inventory you…
Self Mastery Failure and Success
The exercises in the Self Mastery Course aren’t supposed to be easy. They might be simple, but that doesn’t mean easy. They do get easier with practice. It’s like learning to dance, or play an…
Why Do We Seek Recognition From Others
Recognition Defined “People will work for money, but they will die for recognition,” is the way one business coach described the dynamic. Sometimes we seem to want or need recognition that bad. I was talking…
Core Beliefs of Anorexia
Anorexia Treatment and Understanding Your Core Beliefs Want to learn more about this anorexia treatment plan? Let me preface by saying, this is not a typical anorexia treatment plan. My new client has had anorexia…
Why Do We Have Resistance To Change
What are the forces of resistance that come up when you try to do what you want, and live the life you want? Sometimes it is that ever ambiguous and elusive thing called resistance. Are…
Anger Management
The Best Anger Management is Anger Prevention If you are reading this you don’t need to be told how destructive anger can be. You are already motivated to make changes in your emotionally driven behaviors. …
Dealing With Political Fears
Be Mindful of Fear Based Beliefs Used In Politics If you are afraid your nervous system shifts to a fight/flight/freeze response and this puts your mind in the same type of thinking. You are in…