Begin Your Spiritual Growth Journey Here Want to understand spiritual growth? In the world of spiritual growth and personal development are seekers who take upon a path in their life of self-discovery. It will have…
Self Image
Self Confidence and Self Image Your mind can create images, even images of yourself. Some images act like memories and are stored in ways that we are not aware of, or we might call unconscious…
Symbols of Love in Relationships
What are the symbols of unconditional love? To find what the symbols of unconditional love are, let’s talk about what love actually is. What is love? What are the symbols of unconditional love? Flowers can…
Emotional Safety and Security in Relationships
Are You In a Healthy Relationship? Evaluating whether you are in a safe, healthy relationship can be an important step. To love and be loved. Love, acceptance, respect, desire, security, and passion are all things…
Understanding Relationships and Emotional Drama
It can be difficult to understand a person we are in relationship with especially when sometimes we don’t even understand ourselves. Why do we feel good about ourselves one moment and bad another? Why does…
What makes you happy in relationships?
What makes you unhappy in your relationships? Be aware of the assumptions that your mind offers. Could it be something else? Many of us learned to believe early in life that other people determine our…
The Pursuit of Happiness
In Pursuit of Happiness Being in pursuit of happiness seems to be a big deal. Bookshelves and magazines fill volumes with the topic. Even our founding fathers thought it rated a line in the Declaration…
Finding Your Power
How do you find your personal power? Finding Your Personal Power has the ability to change the direction of your life. A simple example of exercising personal power is changing habits. Changing a habit could…
Happiness Test
As I principally focus this web site on the topic of happiness I occasionally do some poking around the internet on the subject. I have periodically come across such things as Happiness Tests and Happiness…
Feeling Deprived
Beliefs about Food, Eating and Feeling Deprived When Dieting A common story people face when changing eating habits is the feeling of being deprived. With diets our intent is to make rules about certain foods…
What is enlightenment? Meaning of Enlightenment One of the problems in explaining enlightenment is that we have to use words. Words are only symbols and don’t give the real understanding. The letters of a word…
Core Belief Inventory: Anger
The process of developing self mastery requires that we be completely honest with our self. One of the tools to assist in this complete honesty is the core belief inventory. By making an inventory you…
Why Does the Mind Create Misery
Your mind isn’t designed to make you happy. It developed circuits over millions of years designed to keep you alive, and safe from hurt. As a byproduct, and because of some false belief circuits it…
How to Overcome Jealousy
How to Overcome Jealousy Overcoming jealousy is like changing any emotional reaction or behavior. It begins with awareness. Awareness allows you to see that the projected stories in your mind are not true. When you…
Why self help doesn’t work at times
When self help techniques don’t work you can feel like a failure There are many wonderful self help suggestions to assist people to change their life and be happy. However it is my experience that…
Avoiding Emotions
There is a line from the movie, Thanks for Sharing. “Feelings are like kids. You don’t want them driving the car, but you don’t want to stuff them in the trunk either.” I mostly write…
Avoiding Emotions
Hello Gary, I got session 9 of the Self Mastery Series last Thursday. I have been listening to the audio, and I noticed something that left me lost. At the beginning of the audio you…
Recapitulation is a breathwork process for releasing the emotions, energy, negative self talk, and beliefs. It is a method for freeing yourself from the emotional baggage you collected in your past. In the recapitulation process…
Seeking Unconditional Love
The Spiritual Journey is for you if you are serious about increasing the amount love and happiness in your lives. Coming to the Spiritual Retreat in Mexico is like coming home to a place you belong….
Conditional Love
How We Learned about Conditional Love I’m going to assume you had well adjusted parents. If you didn’t, then just amplify the impact of what you are reading here by the amount of extra drama…