News Years Resolution Most New Year’s Resolutions fail. After a few months a person is back at their old habits and routines. One reason well intended resolutions fail is because we are already overloaded. Our…
Browsing CategoryMaking personal change
2 Reasons Why Self Improvement Lists Don’t Provide Value
The blogs are running rampant with self improvement lists. They often begin their titles with a number and sound like: 12 Keys to Building Trust, 7 Actions to Make Your Self Happier, 8 Principles of…
Using Drugs for Your Spiritual Journey and Conscious Awakening
Hi Gary, I have been hearing a lot about LSD lately and the effects of it on the mind and how it can expand consciousness. From what I heard it can give you the same…
Changing Your Point of View
Oh what a difference a point of view makes… Dear Gary, I have an experience to share instead of asking a question this time. I was doing the journal exercise and looking at a particularly…
What Should I do After Graduation?
Ask Gary I would really appreciate your help with a question. I’m graduating from high school this year and trying to figure out what I should do. When reading about your background, I noticed that…
Faster Personal and Emotional Change
Faster Personal Changes When a person engages in personal and spiritual growth practices they often begin with reading and gathering knowledge. This is a good place to start for background information. However the knowledge approach…
Spiritual Growth Stumbling Blocks
Now I’m going to get to the point I originally wanted to make in my last post about spiritual growth stumbling blocks. In my last post I got on to another in the set up…
Developing Self Discipline
As you develop self discipline there will be obstacles to overcome. Mental and emotional associations you have in your mind about developing self discipline are some of the biggest. See if any of these associations…
Personal Growth Is Not Linear
Progress is not linear, particularly when you are changing core beliefs. Sometimes they are like walls we are hitting with a hammer. We are working and sweating and it seems like nothing is changing. Then,…
Facing Fear
I’m in my final year , of high school and today I got one my quizzes back (worth around 2-4%). I realized I had gotten a 60% and a 69% on two different parts. At…
Desire for Love and Consciousness
Hi Gary, There is one issue that I have been pondering about, and wonder if you can help me with the benefit of your experience? The one common thread in all experiences of realization, or…
Core Beliefs About Your Body
How do beliefs about food and our body affect our emotions? I’ll use one woman’s story about her relationship with her body to illustrate the affect beliefs in the mind can have. Shelly wanted to…
The Word “God” in Prayer
Dear Gary, After reading the articles on your website (very inspiring by the way). I was wondering how you would describe the concept of “God”. I find myself struggling with the meaning and the word…
The Truth Doesn’t Hurt
The truth hurts…but is that what is actually causing the pain? It is sometimes said that the truth hurts. The truth hurts is not what is actually hurting in my experience. Often there is a…
Law of Attraction and Limitations
With all this discussion of the Law of Attraction there is sure to be some confusion and misunderstanding. The Law of Attraction simply states that you create your own reality. It means that you…
Struggling with the Exercises
Dear Gary, I recently came upon your site while doing a Google search for overcoming jealousy. It has been thus far a good tool for me. I see the material as excellent – as close…