Transition to Authentic Happiness – Stage Four Read from beginning At 20 something it is easy to be optimistic and have lots of positive thoughts about our self and the future. We confidently believe…
Posts Taggedself awareness
Five Stages of Happiness – Part 2
Transition to Conditional or Socialized Happiness – Stage Two (read from beginning Happiness Stage 1) From the time we are able to talk and understand the word, “NO!” we begin to get socialized. Growing up…
The Five Stages of Happiness
Five Stages of Happiness and Emotional Development At different stages of a person’s life the principle sources of happiness change. What worked to be happy when we were 5, doesn’t work at 25, and changes…
What Is Ego?
What is Ego? The ego is the identity concept our mind constructed. It is an identity that is false. We are more than just the mind and the ego. If we take all the beliefs…
Holding Myself Back
“I’m holding back.” – A Self Reflection Process Why am I holding back? What is stopping me? Why do you think you are holding back? Some people notice a thought or behavior and they recognize…
Where Do I Start On My Path
Dear Gary, My problem now is that I can not understand what is my way. What is correct and what is incorrect, what should I do and what I shouldn’t do. I really would like…
Love is Not Enough
I know the song by the Beatles, “Love is All you Need” but I’ve learned to stop looking for truth about life in song lyrics. For me personally, to be happy in life and relationships,…
Is It Easier To Give Up on Conscious Awakening ?
The Lies are in the Details As we work to stay consciously aware and maintain positive emotions of happiness we can become tired of the process. When that happens, the thought, “Sometimes it just feels…
#40: Self awareness and mindfulness

Understanding how your mind creates emotional reactions is key to making personal change. This understanding of the mind is done through mindfulness, also know as Self Awareness.
Judgement: What is it good for?
Hi Gary! I have been enjoying the Self Mastery Audio Series and am currently on Session 9: Emotions. Thank you for making such a wonderful program available. The Judging voice in my head has a…
Two Different Emotional Reactions
Sam had the realization that he was having two very different emotional reactions to the same comment when two different people said it. It made him curious as to why he would react so differently…
Spiritual Retreat
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about my Spiritual Intensive Retreat Why do I call it a “Spiritual” journey or retreat? 1. I got to call it something. 2. Spirit means Life, and this is…
Your Emotions and Personality are Not Fixed
It’s been observed that mindfulness meditation and mindfulness practices actually change areas of the brain. More than once people have been told by professional that their personality is fixed by the time they are 6…
I Should Be Further Along Than I Am
How many times in our process have we had the thought, “I should be further along than I am.” Really? To that comment I sometimes like to ask two questions, One: “In terms of percentage,…
What Should I Do
What should I do? When you ask this question to someone else,,, you are opening the door to giving away your personal power and creating a victim mindset. This is a dangerous question to ask. …
Growth from Failure and Imagination by J. K. Rowling
Graduation speech by J. K. Rowling at Harvard Commencement J.K. Rowling Speaks at Harvard Commencement from Harvard Magazine on Vimeo. Because of her experience, and failures, she has an extraordinary range of perspectives. With the…
Faith and the Power to Change Your Life
Faith Some people define faith as a belief in something for which they have no evidence for. Others think of faith as a set of religious beliefs. These are limited uses and understanding of faith. …
The Story of Stuff
I can get away posting this video here because it relates to happiness. I can also do it because it’s my blog space and I can post if I want to. But more seriously folks,…
The Most Important Thing for Your Happiness
What’s the most important thing for your happiness? The simple answer is Love. Love is not only a beautiful feeling, but an incredibly transformative force. When we express love we create a feeling of happiness. …