Teachings I learned from Don Miguel Ruiz What I learned from don Miguel Ruiz is more than can be fit into the internet. (Unconditional Love gets lost in the digital translation) Before meeting Miguel, life…
Posts Taggedmiguel ruiz
#31: Miguel Ruiz and The Fifth Agreement

An interview with Miguel Ruiz about his book that is written with his son Jose Ruiz. We also talk about how the belief system creates a virtual reality, how we distort love, how to use doubt to question your beliefs and other things.
#29: Faith: the power behind your beliefs

Faith is more than a set of beliefs there is no evidence for or a doctrine of religious beliefs. Faith is a force. It is an aspect of your personal will power that you can use in various ways.
#12: Don’t take anything personally

In the book, The Four Agreements, Miguel Ruiz outlines a code of conduct for creating love and happiness in your life. One of his Four Agreements is “Don’t Take Anything Personally”. In this episode I describe some of the hidden assumptions that cause us to take things personally.
#03: Emotional reactions

When it comes to stopping or changing emotional reactions people often approach the problem like they are fixing a car. The assumption seems to be that if we change one thing the whole problem will go away.
#02: The Four Agreements and hidden assumptions

In this episode I cover some places that assumptions hide. I do a little poking around to show you what they look like. I also show how they lead us down dark alleys chasing illusions in our mind. Becoming aware of those dark alleys of mental illusions will make it easier to get out.