Perspective of the Slow Driver Story I was in my twenties and home visiting my parents. My dad’s back was in bad shape, something that had happened a couple other times when I was…
Posts Taggedassumptions
Self Acceptance vs Personal Growth
Does Self Acceptance Diminish or Lessen the Desire for Personal Growth? Do we stop evolving if we really become accepting of our self? Dear Gary, I just wanted to ask you how one can balance…
Challenging Our Myths
Common Sense, Myths, and Ghost Stores of the Spiritual Ego 15 years ago I was enamored with this personal development process. I had discovered a whole new world. I felt alive, happy, and excited about…
The McGurk Effect: How Conditioning Affects Perception
How does our conditioning affect our perception. Watch this video and you will see how you HEAR sounds that are not there. Our visual cue is that we should hear a certain sound, and so…
#12: Don’t take anything personally

In the book, The Four Agreements, Miguel Ruiz outlines a code of conduct for creating love and happiness in your life. One of his Four Agreements is “Don’t Take Anything Personally”. In this episode I describe some of the hidden assumptions that cause us to take things personally.
#02: The Four Agreements and hidden assumptions

In this episode I cover some places that assumptions hide. I do a little poking around to show you what they look like. I also show how they lead us down dark alleys chasing illusions in our mind. Becoming aware of those dark alleys of mental illusions will make it easier to get out.