The Truth will set you free. But free from what? What are you trapped in? Illusions and stories made of lies are what the trap is made from. The truth shall set you free from lies….
What do you Want?
What is your intent? How do you want your life to be different 6 months from now or a year from now than it is today? What do you want your relationships to feel like?…
How to Make Big Changes in Your Relationships
Every week in the Self Mastery Community, we post about our wins, successes, and progress. It’s intended to celebrate the small changes so we can build on them and accelerate our growth. It also has…
It’s okay for you to Rest
It’s okay for you to Rest. I was talking to David, a very successful client, the other day. David had accomplished a lot in his life because he was very motivated. Some would say he…
One essential key for changing your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors
For change to happen you will need to see and appreciate progress that happens in small steps. If you are learning to play a musical instrument the inner Judge will think that success means getting…
Overwhelmed with Emotions
Overwhelmed With Emotion (& How to Cope) Does anger, sadness, or hopelessness go out of control and take you on a ride of thoughts that makes things worse? Just about every human experiences this. The…
Healing from Trauma
Many people ask me if the Self Mastery course work will help them heal their trauma issues. My answer is Yes, and, you will need to include other resources. The awareness and skills you learn…
How meditation can help you get faster results with self mastery work
By sitting in silence and observe you will get a clearer view of what is going on inside. You might need some help with overcoming limiting beliefs and initial resistance, but once you do meditation will be an invaluable friend on your journey to self awareness.
How To Relax
I have found with my clients that they can make much faster progress in removing negative thoughts and emotions if they first relax their nervous system. It turns out that slowing things down allows you…
The World is a Crazy Place
My client is 25. The other day his mom started yelling at him again. Yes, this is part of a crazy world where adults still do this. What was different was that this time he…
Dealing with Crazy Thoughts
The mind is made of imagination, and it can come up with some outlandish ideas. Having a crazy thought, (or a bunch of them) isn’t really a problem. I’ve had them. I can imagine all…
Not fitting in
Insights from one of my clients: These are my thoughts… Most people around us think that our life is in chaos. Lots of people, including friends, therapists etc have been giving me lots of advice…
Repressed Anger
Repressed Anger Are you holding it back? At an event last year and I was walking to evening class. I passed Sam and asked him how he was doing. He said he was really angry….
You can love and accept yourself without first being perfect
Hello Gary, I’m David from Texas. I have gone through both the first and second Self Mastery Course. I was amazed and impressed with your understanding and insight to how miserable a person can be…
The Inner Critic can be tamed
It would be nice if the Inner Critic, what I call the Judge, would go away in a one step process. That rarely happens. There have been a couple people that might have done it….
Consciousness VS. The Ego
What is Consciousness? If you are wondering what consciousness is and how you get there, you are not alone. Asking “what is consciousness?” is like asking what is love? You don’t know what love is…
Damaging Effects of Criticism
If you want to change your life, consider this. Criticism is probably one of the most toxic and destructive things a human can do to themselves or another. Criticism and judgments are rejections. These include self-criticism…
Emotional pain and human suffering
Teachings I learned from Don Miguel Ruiz What I learned from don Miguel Ruiz is more than can be fit into the internet. (Unconditional Love gets lost in the digital translation) Before meeting Miguel, life…
Feeling Unworthy and Beliefs about Perfection
What constitutes your image of perfection? Take the judgmental thoughts you have and look at the criteria of expectation that is behind the judgment. In other words, what criteria do you have to attain in…
How To Be Happy
How to be happy “How to be happy” Step One: Self Help and Goal Setting Can actually cause a negative affect The process of self improvement often has a destructive impact mentally and and emotionally….