Perfection can Inspire us to a goal, or be a demon in our head that makes us suffer. The Perfectionist is one of the voices in our head. It has the role of pointing out all…
Browsing CategorySelf Awareness
Anger Management
The Best Anger Management is Anger Prevention If you are reading this you don’t need to be told how destructive anger can be. You are already motivated to make changes in your emotionally driven behaviors. …
What Causes Anger?
What Causes Anger? What causes anger in a person? Why do we get angry over the smallest things and blow up out of proportion with what is happening? Why do we get angry at the…
False Humility and Self Image
I used to think that I knew it all. No. That’s not correct. It was worse than that. I knew that I knew better than other people. I didn’t want to act like I had…
How to Stay Conscious and Aware
How to Stay Aware and Conscious The challenge in remembering to be mindful is that this isn’t about remembering at all. It is not like trying to recall a fact like the capitol of New…
How To Stay Mindful
When we learn something new it is important to note progress. It keeps our confidence up, and reinforces that we are doing the right thing. The most common sabotage to our mindfulness progress is the…
Biased Beliefs in Your Politics
When I was a kid I rooted for my home team. If the referee made a close call against the other team, I agreed with him. If he made a close call against my team…
Controlling Your Mind
Hi Gary, I’m sorry that I e-mail you again. But I have this big problem that might be hard to explain but I’ll try. Your whole course depends on the belief that you can control…
Unconscious Beliefs
I was sitting in the back yard with a friend a few weeks ago. The moon was out and almost full. I had read that when the moon rises as the sun sets, it will…
Help Asking For What You Want
Asking for what you want might seem like a simple thing, but it isn’t. It is a complex process of noticing your desires, eliminating the selfish and unreasonable, feeling worthy of having, feeling safe that…
How Our Mind Works
One of the ways our Mind Works is to automatically apply meaning to words and other symbols. This is a function of our learned belief system. I am having my book, MindWorks translated to Spanish. …
Becoming The Observer
Becoming the Observer is more than just thinking about yourself. It really is a different state of mind. Whether you are doing meditation, mindfulness practices, therapy, or other personal development work, becoming the observer is…
Happiness Is A Way to Define Success
How do you define success? I define success as Happiness. It’s my emotions that inform me what success and failure are. If I were depressed and suffering I would feel like a failure. If I…
The Glass Is Your Life
Do you look at the glass and see it as half full, or half empty? It’s a question about the thoughts you think and the emotions you create because of the thoughts you tell yourself. …
What is Your Self Worth ?
What is Your Self Worth? How do you value your self? Do you sometimes consider your resume or education to get an idea of how an employer would value you and use that standard? Are…
How Change Happens
How Is Your Change Going To Happen? I had minor arthroscopic knee surgery a few months back. I visited a physical therapist afterwards to help with the recovery. He gave me a few exercises to…
Self Sabotage
Hi Gary, My name is Patty and I just wanted to share with you something that happened in the past few days. You see, I am a senior veterinary student and I am preparing to…
Five Stages of Happiness – Part 5
Authentic Happiness – Stage 5 (Read from the beginning) This is where the words like authenticity, genuine, humility, unconditional love, enlightened, and wise have meaning. The person that has transcended the conditional happiness modes they…
Five Stages of Happiness – Part 4
Transition to Authentic Happiness – Stage Four Read from beginning At 20 something it is easy to be optimistic and have lots of positive thoughts about our self and the future. We confidently believe…