Love is a challenging thing to talk about accurately. Our hearts and soul ache for it, and we go forth searching for this elixir of Love. In the meantime, society has constructed false oases’ that…
Browsing CategoryHappiness
Spiritual Power Journey to Teotihuacan Mexico
spiritual power journey November 15-22 2025, Teotihuacán Mexico reserve your spot A journey into self-awareness, truth and divine consciousness. The Experience If you are ready to dissolve your fears, false beliefs, and identification with your…
Steps to Love and Accept Yourself
My friend Robert had a plaque on his desk. It was a play on the word “Savior”. It read: Savyour Self. What is Self Acceptance and Self Love? It’s kind of the opposite of…
Changing Your Narrative Story
The Truth will set you free. But free from what? What are you trapped in? Illusions and stories made of lies are what the trap is made from. The truth shall set you free from lies….
How to Make Big Changes in Your Relationships
Every week in the Self Mastery Community, we post about our wins, successes, and progress. It’s intended to celebrate the small changes so we can build on them and accelerate our growth. It also has…
It’s okay for you to Rest
It’s okay for you to Rest. I was talking to David, a very successful client, the other day. David had accomplished a lot in his life because he was very motivated. Some would say he…
One essential key for changing your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors
For change to happen you will need to see and appreciate progress that happens in small steps. If you are learning to play a musical instrument the inner Judge will think that success means getting…
How meditation can help you get faster results with self mastery work
By sitting in silence and observe you will get a clearer view of what is going on inside. You might need some help with overcoming limiting beliefs and initial resistance, but once you do meditation will be an invaluable friend on your journey to self awareness.
How To Be Happy
How to be happy “How to be happy” Step One: Self Help and Goal Setting Can actually cause a negative affect The process of self improvement often has a destructive impact mentally and and emotionally….
What makes you happy in relationships?
What makes you unhappy in your relationships? Be aware of the assumptions that your mind offers. Could it be something else? Many of us learned to believe early in life that other people determine our…
The Pursuit of Happiness
In Pursuit of Happiness Being in pursuit of happiness seems to be a big deal. Bookshelves and magazines fill volumes with the topic. Even our founding fathers thought it rated a line in the Declaration…
Happiness Test
As I principally focus this web site on the topic of happiness I occasionally do some poking around the internet on the subject. I have periodically come across such things as Happiness Tests and Happiness…
Feeling Deprived
Beliefs about Food, Eating and Feeling Deprived When Dieting A common story people face when changing eating habits is the feeling of being deprived. With diets our intent is to make rules about certain foods…
What is enlightenment? Meaning of Enlightenment One of the problems in explaining enlightenment is that we have to use words. Words are only symbols and don’t give the real understanding. The letters of a word…
Why self help doesn’t work at times
When self help techniques don’t work you can feel like a failure There are many wonderful self help suggestions to assist people to change their life and be happy. However it is my experience that…
Recapitulation is a breathwork process for releasing the emotions, energy, negative self talk, and beliefs. It is a method for freeing yourself from the emotional baggage you collected in your past. In the recapitulation process…
Seeking Unconditional Love
The Spiritual Journey is for you if you are serious about increasing the amount love and happiness in your lives. Coming to the Spiritual Retreat in Mexico is like coming home to a place you belong….
Why Do We Not Get Recognized by Others
Recognition Defined | Why Do We Not Get Recognized by Others What kind of recognition do we seek from others? We want the acknowledgement of a job well done, or of something good about our…
Happiness Is All Made Up
Someone kicking the tires on my Self Mastery program asked, “Is being really happy possible? I think this talk about living with love is a bunch of Pollyanna Woo Woo. It might just all be…
Dealing With Political Fears
Be Mindful of Fear Based Beliefs Used In Politics If you are afraid your nervous system shifts to a fight/flight/freeze response and this puts your mind in the same type of thinking. You are in…