Love is a challenging thing to talk about accurately.
Our hearts and soul ache for it, and we go forth searching for this elixir of Love. In the meantime, society has constructed false oases’ that leave us thirsty.
Poets have waxed on over the ages and only pointed at it. Songwriters more often write about the heartbreak of love or turn it into a silly love song. Sometimes, Disney will wrap the joy into a hero’s journey, which makes us all feel good after battling some dark villain.
If they have done the story well, the emphasis is on clearing the blocks in the Hero’s belief system, fears, and limited perception. By the time they get to the credits, we feel good. However, that joy or love is fleeting, and we have to re-watch it only to get a lesser high next time. We watch the movie again, tricked into feeling good by a story, instead of taking the journey of the Hero ourselves.
What we can say about this is that the love we find in those stories, movies, and songs is fleeting and only lasts while we are in them.
The Love Relationship
The marketing of dating sites has turned our search for love into a profitable business run by a programmed algorithm as the gatekeeper. It depends on first impressions of headshots, quick swipes, and clever messages to get attention.
If you haven’t done your inner work and found the love, appreciation, and respect that grows out of you, then love is a scarce resource you must get from another. Assuming you find someone fabulous who loves you, you still end up in a “love scarcity” paradigm with fear of losing it if that person takes it away.
The GOLD standard of Unconditional Love we are looking for seems incongruent with these relationship structures.
?Religions as the Gatekeeper of Love
Religions offer love to be available from their savior or diety only after you agree to follow the rules made by other humans who wrote the book or interpreted the book. If that beautiful feeling of Grace doesn’t reach you, they fall back on the explanation that you haven’t given yourself over enough yet, as if you are at fault or undeserving. We do our best to “earn” and “deserve” this love of a God that comes with conditions and limitations. In this paradigm, religion offers us a transaction where we are the weaker party in the negotiation.
Can you have unconditional love that is abundant and secure?
It would be an Unconditional Love that is not dependent on a story, song, another person, or the dogmatic rules of religion written by men used to regulate God’s love. It would need to come in a different way.
Is Unconditional Love possible?
And it will look and feel quite different from the conditional love we grew up with.
Unconditional Love can sometimes come in great blasts; sometimes, it is quietly sneaking in while we are at our worst. Here are some of the ways we may awaken it within ourselves.
Three Initiations into Unconditional Love
1. Divine Love
The energy of love comes from the Divine. If you are Christian, you will say that it was Christ’s Consciousness. If you are Hindu, you will call it Shiva. If you are Muslim, you will call it the Will of Allah. If you are Pagan or studying shamanism, you will say it comes from the earth or sun.
The name does not change the source. If you are not religious, you will just be in awe.
This expansive frequency of love is all around us, much like the radio waves passing through our house, which we never see unless we take a radio and tune it to the frequency. Love flows through the field of consciousness all around us, and we have to train our attention to tune into the frequency of love, and we will find it abundant. In certain power places or sacred places, it is stronger.
Unfortunately, our minds have been conditioned over the years to focus on other things, like what other people think of us, what others are doing, the voices in our heads that tell us to judge them or ourselves, what our belief system says we need to be doing to be good enough, and the myriad of thoughts from the mind chatter. As we focus on these thoughts, we experience the emotional vibration of these transmissions, which is usually in the bandwidth of fear. Our attention is focused on the thoughts in our head and driven by the fear in our gut.
To find the Divine, you must focus on something other than the stories. Something in nature will do. You will need to hold it there until the transmission of emotion pierces the cloud of stories. These processes can be boosted in sacred or natural spaces, with a group intent and a seasoned guide.
If you haven’t experienced such an initiation, it may be because you have not sought such an experience of the world.
2. The Guide
The teacher or guide can come in many forms. If we have a grandparent, they often have the advantage of loving us without following our parents’ rules and punishments. That allowed them to avoid the reprimands, criticisms, and scoldings that our parents might have given us. We got the love from our grandparents without worrying about pleasing them to receive it. Their love came without conditions; we are imprinted and have a reference. On the other hand, our parents will have lost their patience and been upset and angry with us at times. The result with our parents is that we perceive love came from them because we did what they wanted and didn’t do what upset them.
The Spiritual Teacher, Guide, or Guru is like that grandparent if they are good at what they do. Their love for the apprentice or student is unconditional. If students make mistakes, lose their temper, or don’t do their assignments, the teacher still loves them. There is no shaming or criticism.
There will probably be some investigation into what obstacles showed up and help in clearing them so the student has a better chance of success going forward. It is not done with the mindset that the student is a failure or something is wrong with them. They guide us with the sense that we are all learning to be in ways we never were before, and so, of course, we will make mistakes. This is the grandparent and spiritual teacher way.
With the guide, sometimes they initiate us with Divine Love if that is their style. Other times, it is just the quiet presence of someone listening to you drone on about your problems while they have compassion for you. In this state, you don’t notice that they are entirely accepting of you as you whine, complain, and judge others around you for the challenges you are going through. In this way, love, compassion, and acceptance sneak in quietly while we are at our worst. Over time, we see their patience and attention as marvelous and rare.
3. Find Love In Your Self
The first two approaches, and much of society, have us looking for love from others or outside. The goal from the Guide and the Divine is that once you have been initiated, you have Love inside your own heart and let it flow out of you. If you find Love initially from the Divine or another,, the next step is to become aware that the Love is in that field of consciousness, and others as well.
The difficulty with awakening your own love first is that society and growing up conditioned us with beliefs that cause us to bury it behind a wall of judgments, fears, and the need to please others. If we look into our hearts, we often don’t see love. We feel Heartbreak and disappointment, the rejection of hope where love wasn’t received or given, or it was conditional. We see the cloud around the heart instead of the Light inside that cloud.
As Rumi wrote many years ago.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
But since these “barriers” are beliefs and fears about how the world works and seem like reality, living them for so many years and removing them on your own is challenging. This is why a guide can be helpful. To make it past these beliefs that appear as “reality,” you need to seek out experiences and people that defy your worldview and live connected to their heart instead of living by fears. The example is always reassuring, whether it is by a guide, family, community, or fellow apprentices.
To Love Your Self
Allowing love to flow out of your heart sounds simple, but it can be a challenge. You will have to work to reverse many mental, emotional, and energetic behavior patterns .To feel that love again, we have to change by unlearning the beliefs and practices we were taught.We were taught to fear god because he will judge and punish us.
- We learned to criticize ourselves instead of talking nicely to ourselves.
- We were taught not to talk to strangers because they might harm us.
- We learned to be tough on ourselves so that we would become stronger.
- We practiced finding things wrong with ourselves instead of considering what we were doing well.
- We practiced finding things wrong with others instead of being accepting and understanding.
- We practiced being afraid of not having enough and chasing the money to feel financially secure
- We practiced being afraid that others would criticize us, reject us, and not like us.
- We practiced trying to be good enough so that others would like us to compensate.
- We were taught to be competitive and see ourselves as better than others.
- We practiced to be afraid of losing.
- We practiced pleasing others to get them to like us.
Over the course of our lives, our brains become wired with thinking, speaking, and behavior habits that cast a dark cloud over our hearts and block us from expressing our love. It takes a strong commitment and action to change these patterns, remove the dark cloud blocking our love, and get love to flow again, and it is worth it.
Do you want to experience Unconditional Love?
Do you have something more important to do?
The greatest gift I received was the experience of feeling my love coming out of me. It was my own heart radiating like a sun in ways that I had never previously imagined. In that emotionally heart-opening Awakening experience, all the paradigms of what I was searching for—God, Justice, Peace, Morality, and Truth—were all answered. The way I felt within myself allowed me to feel at peace with the world and with everyone in it.
It is the experience that I intend for others in the group retreats.
You are welcome to join us if you want to feel Unconditional Love for yourself.
What we do on a spiritual power journey to Mexico is so challenging to explain because love is so difficult to explain. I can tell you that we apply all the avenues described above.
It’s also challenging to explain the experience of having Love come out of you. It is your power that you are aware you’re giving to yourself and flowing to your body, and that you send it to another person or the Earth and everything around you. When you have that experience, you discover that love is much bigger than anything in your body, and it flows through everywhere, all the time.
This is the experience where people say that they see or experience God. This is the experience of their awareness expanding beyond themselves to everything around them and the feeling that love flows through them and everything, and it’s the same love everywhere. It is in that experience that we come to the realization that we are all one. There is no separation. The experience is very different from just the intellectual idea of it.This is the type of experience that changes your worldview and your sense of self. Love changes you and changes your life. You won’t be the same, and that is the whole point of making the Hero’s Journey for yourself.
Join us for the heart-opening journey to Unconditional Love and Divine Consciousness.
October 5-12 Teotihuacan Mexico