Repressed Anger Are you holding it back? At an event last year and I was walking to evening class. I passed Sam and asked him how he was doing. He said he was really angry….
Posts Taggedrepressed
Avoiding Emotions
Hello Gary, I got session 9 of the Self Mastery Series last Thursday. I have been listening to the audio, and I noticed something that left me lost. At the beginning of the audio you…
#56: Social anxiety from unconscious beliefs

A man shares what he discovers as the source of his social anxiety that began when he was in 3rd grade. In this podcast I describe a process to dig into the layers of your unconscious beliefs, and release the emotional beliefs trapped there.
Repressed Emotions
Repressed Emotions Memories are a kind of informational energy that we can store for years.The physical body has the ability to store energy in the form of emotions as well. These stored emotions can be…