Posts Taggedprogress

#19: Understanding the spiritual journey

The Awareness and Consciousness Podcasts with Gary van Warmerdam
Awareness and Consciousness Podcast
#19: Understanding the spiritual journey

All self help, personal development, growth, and self awareness work is part of the Spiritual Journey. That’s because Spirit means Life. The mystery of the Spiritual Journey is that it happens within the realm of your perceptions, mind, emotions, and consciousness.

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#10: Can you change your life

The Awareness and Consciousness Podcasts with Gary van Warmerdam
Awareness and Consciousness Podcast
#10: Can you change your life

I often get asked if people can really change their life. They want to known if they can overcome fears, stop the judgments, and quiet the voice in their head. The answer is yes. However, when people ask, they usually ask with such fear and doubt that almost no amount of words will suffice. Perhaps this interview will help overcome some of those doubts.

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