My friend Robert had a plaque on his desk. It was a play on the word “Savior”. It read: Savyour Self. What is Self Acceptance and Self Love? It’s kind of the opposite of…
Posts Taggedbuild a new dream
#72 Conscious Dreaming

The mind is dreaming all the time. It is dreaming when you are awake, and when you are asleep. The consciousness process involves waking up from these dreams that run through your head. Most often they appear as narrative stories. What will change your life is when you take charge of the dreams in your mind during the day instead of allowing them to dream you.
What do you Want?
What is your intent? How do you want your life to be different 6 months from now or a year from now than it is today? What do you want your relationships to feel like?…
Seeking Unconditional Love
The Spiritual Journey is for you if you are serious about increasing the amount love and happiness in your lives. Coming to the Spiritual Retreat in Mexico is like coming home to a place you belong….
Conditional Love
How We Learned about Conditional Love I’m going to assume you had well adjusted parents. If you didn’t, then just amplify the impact of what you are reading here by the amount of extra drama…
How To Create Wealth
How Do You Create Wealth First take time to notice the abundance in your life. How much is your eyesight worth? How much is your hearing worth? How much is the ability to breath and…
Ritual and Ceremony in Everyday Life
Why do I use ceremony and ritual in my process and at my events? The short answer is because it works. But that answer wouldn’t have sufficed for me when I started this inner work….
Ceremony to Change Beliefs
My Experience with Ceremony About the time I was discovering fears and false beliefs that I was living by I was also reading Care of the Soul by Thomas Moore. I decided to create a…
Happiness Every Day
From Seeker to Finder Discovering Every Day Happiness by George Kimeldorf I’ve been alive 25,567 days. That is a long time. All I have ever wanted during that time was to be happy-nothing more….
Five Stages of Happiness – Part 5
Authentic Happiness – Stage 5 (Read from the beginning) This is where the words like authenticity, genuine, humility, unconditional love, enlightened, and wise have meaning. The person that has transcended the conditional happiness modes they…
Five Stages of Happiness – Part 4
Transition to Authentic Happiness – Stage Four Read from beginning At 20 something it is easy to be optimistic and have lots of positive thoughts about our self and the future. We confidently believe…
Five Stages of Happiness – Part 3
Conditional Happiness – Stage Three (read from the beginning) By the time we are adults there are thousands of rules we follow. What bad words we can’t say, grades we are supposed to get, how…
Five Stages of Happiness – Part 2
Transition to Conditional or Socialized Happiness – Stage Two (read from beginning Happiness Stage 1) From the time we are able to talk and understand the word, “NO!” we begin to get socialized. Growing up…
#45: The Hero’s journey

The hero’s journey is the classic tale often told through movies and stories going back to The Odyssey by Homer and many modern versions. It’s appeal is that it represents our journey to create peace and happiness within our self and our own mind.
What Should I do After Graduation?
Ask Gary I would really appreciate your help with a question. I’m graduating from high school this year and trying to figure out what I should do. When reading about your background, I noticed that…
The Word “God” in Prayer
Dear Gary, After reading the articles on your website (very inspiring by the way). I was wondering how you would describe the concept of “God”. I find myself struggling with the meaning and the word…
#04: Happiness as choice

Experts will advise you that in order to be happy you first have to make yourself happy. What they usually can’t explain is how to make your self happy. What I try to uncover in my work and in this audio is some of the mystery that surrounds an individual’s happiness.
Create Happiness in One Step
Want to learn how to live in happiness? You can create happiness in one step. There is one step to creating happiness. It is to express love. When you express the emotion of love you…