If you want to change—if you want to think, feel, and behave differently, if you want your relationships to be different—you’re going to have to face one important fact:
You will have to do things that are new, different, and uncomfortable.
?Your belief system is designed to keep things the same, even if that is unhappy. It feeds you thoughts that reinforce your current behaviors, emotions, and patterns—even when those patterns aren’t serving you.
One way it does this is by FALSELY predicting failure: Change won’t work for you. It won’t last. You’ll just end up back where you started.
But here’s the truth:
Your mind lies to you.
?It offers convincing, rational-sounding reasons to stay where you are. It tells you stories designed to keep you in your comfort zone—stories that feel true but are actually fear disguised as logic.
A powerful way to break free is to notice when fear is embedded in your thoughts. When you hear a voice in your head giving you reasons not to take action, ask yourself:
Is this fear speaking? Is this a belief I want to follow?
?If you’ve considered joining Conversations that Connect, but your mind has been giving you reasons to hesitate, let’s take a closer look at some of those thoughts—and the real impact of believing them. And if you know you aren’t doing the Connection Course, at least use the approaches here to look at other decisions you make.
Objection #1: “I should be able to figure this out on my own.”
This thought appeals to self-reliance and pride. It might feel empowering, but ask yourself:
How has figuring it out alone worked so far?
This belief keeps you stuck by disconnecting you from learning, growth, and the wisdom of others. It blocks you from approaching change with a beginner’s mind.
The truth is, transformation happens in relationships and with experienced mentors. We heal, grow, and change in connection with others. The skills taught in Conversations that Connect aren’t just things you can read about—they need to be practiced, experienced, and embodied.
Objection #2: “Now’s not the right time.”
Your mind will always find a reason to delay change. But if you ask, If not now, when?—it likely won’t give a concrete answer. Just later.
The problem is, later is a moving target.
And while you wait, your current patterns become more ingrained. If your mind has used this delay tactic before, ask yourself:
How has waiting served me in the past? Has avoiding discomfort helped me grow?
The truth is, change doesn’t happen when the time is perfect. It happens when you decide to act.
Objection #3: “I’m not sure this will work for me.”
If you’ve struggled with communication, connection, or emotional support in your relationships, you might doubt whether change is possible.
But notice what your belief system is doing here. It’s projecting an imagined future filled with fear and failure—a “make-believe” world that hasn’t happened.
Ask yourself:
Who would I be if I didn’t listen to this fear? What if I assumed success instead of failure?
Your belief system wants you to stay the same. But growth happens when you challenge that fear, not when you obey it.
Objection #4: “I’m afraid I won’t follow through.”
This fear feels real because you can feel it in your body—but that doesn’t mean the thought behind it is true.
What if your belief system isn’t afraid you’ll fail—but afraid you’ll succeed?
What if part of you is resisting because change means outgrowing old patterns and old ways of thinking?
You don’t have to let that fear decide for you. Conversations that Connect is designed for engagement, real practice, and ongoing support. You’re not just watching videos—you’re interacting, applying, and developing self-awareness in a supportive group setting.
You don’t have to do this alone.
Objection #5: “What if I don’t fit in?”
Many people hesitate to join a group because they worry they’ll feel out of place. I get it—I used to think I wouldn’t want to be part of any group that would have me as a member.
But over time, I realized that belief comes from self-judgment and self-rejection, not truth. We all feel like misfits and don’t fit in at some point because we share these same beliefs.
In Conversations that Connect, you’ll experience a space designed for growth and safety. You’ll meet others who are learning, just like you. No one is an expert. We are all here to learn, to be seen, and to grow together.
Objection #6: “I’m not ready.”
If this thought comes up, pause for a moment and ask yourself:
Who is saying this?
Chances are, the voice carrying this fear isn’t your Present Self—it’s a younger part of you that’s afraid of change.
That younger voice will never be ready on its own. But your adult self, the part of you that is open, willing, and capable, can bring that younger part along on the journey.
In Conversations that Connect, you’ll develop the awareness to recognize these internal conversations and see them for what they are: echoes of the past, not reflections of your true potential.
Your fear-based beliefs are not your authentic voice.
And when you sit in that awareness, you can decide:
Do I want these fearful voices making my choices for me?
Your mind is skilled at the trickery of keeping you in the same patterns. But the moment you recognize fear for what it is, you gain the power to choose differently.
?Change happens when you stop believing the voice of fear.
Do you want to make a change?
Join Conversations that Connect
Signups close Saturday, February 22nd at 12 Midnight Eastern.