In my book MindWorks, I describe nine sources of emotions. Here, I will explain just two of them and describe how they create conflicts and repressions in our bodies. Sometimes, people notice that some of…
Browsing CategoryBelief systems
The Inner Critic – a Conversation
The following summarizes two guided conversations I had with my client John, and a voice in his head I call the Judge. You might be more familiar with the term inner critic. It’s the kind…
What Causes War
War. It’s on my mind. Actions in Russia and Ukraine are causing really deaths, destruction of loves, and suffering. Here are some rambling thoughts. I’m paying attention to what is going on in Ukraine. I…
Self Awareness of Your Story
I had a dental checkup. My experience was basically a result of my attention, and the stories I made up during the hour. How did it go? What was the story I told to…
Three Ways to Change a Belief
In the last post, I wrote about the model for the mind as being alive. All the ideas, thoughts, and beliefs in the mind are alive as well. Then how do you get rid of…
How meditation can help you get faster results with self mastery work
By sitting in silence and observe you will get a clearer view of what is going on inside. You might need some help with overcoming limiting beliefs and initial resistance, but once you do meditation will be an invaluable friend on your journey to self awareness.
Consciousness VS. The Ego
What is Consciousness? If you are wondering what consciousness is and how you get there, you are not alone. Asking “what is consciousness?” is like asking what is love? You don’t know what love is…
Damaging Effects of Criticism
If you want to change your life, consider this. Criticism is probably one of the most toxic and destructive things a human can do to themselves or another. Criticism and judgments are rejections. These include self-criticism…
Emotional pain and human suffering
Teachings I learned from Don Miguel Ruiz What I learned from don Miguel Ruiz is more than can be fit into the internet. (Unconditional Love gets lost in the digital translation) Before meeting Miguel, life…
Changing Core Beliefs
Changing Core Beliefs Changing a core belief doesn’t happen in a day. It may not happen in a week, month, or year! Everyone goes through the steps of changing core beliefs at a different pace….
How to Identify Core Beliefs
Identifying Core Beliefs Why is identifying core beliefs important to our lives? Let’s take a recent client of mine who was trying to lose weight. After some early success she couldn’t figure out why she…
The Mind Creates Irrational Fears
The Mind Creates Illusions About Money that we React to with Fear People will often refer to their emotions or fears as irrational. But if we learn how emotions are created, we can see that…
Spiritual Seekers and Finders
Begin Your Spiritual Growth Journey Here Want to understand spiritual growth? In the world of spiritual growth and personal development are seekers who take upon a path in their life of self-discovery. It will have…
Self Image
Self Confidence and Self Image Your mind can create images, even images of yourself. Some images act like memories and are stored in ways that we are not aware of, or we might call unconscious…
Core Belief Inventory: Anger
The process of developing self mastery requires that we be completely honest with our self. One of the tools to assist in this complete honesty is the core belief inventory. By making an inventory you…
Why self help doesn’t work at times
When self help techniques don’t work you can feel like a failure There are many wonderful self help suggestions to assist people to change their life and be happy. However it is my experience that…
Avoiding Emotions
There is a line from the movie, Thanks for Sharing. “Feelings are like kids. You don’t want them driving the car, but you don’t want to stuff them in the trunk either.” I mostly write…
Recapitulation is a breathwork process for releasing the emotions, energy, negative self talk, and beliefs. It is a method for freeing yourself from the emotional baggage you collected in your past. In the recapitulation process…
Conditional Love
How We Learned about Conditional Love I’m going to assume you had well adjusted parents. If you didn’t, then just amplify the impact of what you are reading here by the amount of extra drama…
Self Mastery Failure and Success
The exercises in the Self Mastery Course aren’t supposed to be easy. They might be simple, but that doesn’t mean easy. They do get easier with practice. It’s like learning to dance, or play an…