Accepting Life as it Is Without Sorrow or Emotional Reaction Common definitions of compassion read like the following: a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken with misfortune, accompanied by a…
Posts Taggedcompassion
Healing and Reconciliation
Conflicts are bound to arise, whether they are in our marriage, with our children, or between groups in society. The resolution of conflict involves something different than figuring out who was right. Ego’s take us…
#37: Confusion about love, compassion, hope, integrity and loyalty

Even the basic building blocks of language such as words can be distorted and made confusing by how the mind alters their meaning when we are not aware.
Can Compulsive Liars Change?
Compulsive Liars and how to deal with them The most important aspect to master when dealing with a liar is your emotional reactions. You can’t always change the behavior of a liar, but you can…