Customer Support and FAQ

Customer support

You can contact customer support by emailing admin@(this website). You will usually receive a reply within 24-48 hours. If there is a problem with your membership account please include the username on your account and your account email address.

Before contacting customer support you may want to check out the questions below and see if it can be answered there.

Refund policy

All audio and video course products come with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you do not like your product for any reason and would like to have your purchase refunded contact the site admin and inform them within 30 days of purchase.

You can reach site administration by emailing admin@(this website). Inform them of the username, the email address on your account, and the product you want refunded. Most likely you will receive a response within 24-48 hours. then please allow a few days for the transaction to be processed through the payment processor and credit card company.

Frequently asked questions

Account and access

Try this:

1. Log out of your account

2. Close the tabs on the site

3. Clear the cache on your computer. 
4. Open the site and log in again.  
If this does not solve it then send an email to admin@(this site)

Could be that you disabled cookies first time you visited this website. In that case Youtube videos won’t be displayed. To properly see videos and other content on the website, make sure to enable cookies.

You can change your cookie preferences here: Cookie preferences

Check your spam folder, they are usually redirected there.

  1. The link may have become split as it is long and nor working as a proper url address. Solution: Copy and paste the url address from the email  in the navigation bar and hit enter (return)
  2. The verification email expires after 24 hours. You will need to sign up again after that.
  3. Or email admin@(this website) and ask them to resend the verification email. You will need to provide the email address and username you attempted to sign up with so they can find your account. If they send you the link, you will need to click it before it expires.  within 24 hours

When you sign up for the Self mastery or Relationship course you don’t get all the lessons at once. You get access to lessons in a set time interval, between 1 and 2 weeks apart depending on which course. This is so you have time to put into practice the exercises. Just listening will help, but it is by practicing the exercises that you will see real change. 

If you still can’t see a lesson you know you should have access to, email admin@(thiswebsite) with your user name and info on what lesson.

Lesson no 2 arrives 7 days after signing up for Free sessions. All other Free and Basic lessons arrive at two weeks intervals.

The Phase two lessons arrive 10 days apart.
The Relationship course lessons arrive 7 days apart.
You can check what day you signed up by logging in and going to Subscription Mgmt.

The membership software has security features. One of them is to prevent you from sharing your username and password account info with other people. The software can tell if your account has been accessed from multiple locations in a certain time period and will lock down your account. If your account has been locked and you want it unlocked email admin@ (this website) and request your account be reset. Include your username in your email.

You can make changes to your email address and other parts of your account in the Profile area of your Membership Subscription Mgmt. First log into your membership account and then click on the “change password/Profile” link in the upper right corner.

You can log into your account and go to your Profile page (on your Account Management Page: in the upper right side there will be a link to edit your profile).
From there you can uncheck the box that says “Unsubscribe”. 

About the courses

We want to give you an opportunity to put into practice one little change at a time. The integration of material is important. If given the opportunity to listen to all the lessons most people would do so in a short time and not take any actions. You can learn behavior change by reading and listening. This is about developing skills. 

Much like swimming, you can’t learn and get better by reading about it.

Too much information would turn this process into an intellectual knowledge gathering experience. That’s not enough to make change in beliefs, emotions and behaviors. To make changes you’ve got to integrate these changes in your life through awareness, action and activity. The days between sessions allow for action on the exercises and integration.


Nope. Definitely not a cult or a Scientology thing. If anything it has to do with deprogramming yourself from years of repetitious thinking and beliefs. Once you are free of those automatic patterns, the process changes to be about creating and living the life you want. You won’t find anyone here telling you what that is, just helping guide you to the destinations and experiences you set for yourself. 

Resistance to some of the exercises is likely to happen. Some will be easy and flow. Others will be difficult. It’s okay to skip an exercise for a while. Come back to it in a couple weeks and see if that resistance has broken down some by the other practices. You might also try applying some of the exercises to the resistance and emotions that come up. The exercises work well on the resistance. Sometimes, in the more advanced approaches, you take on a practice with the purpose to having your resistance arise so you can identify it more clearly. 

We don’t see resistance as a bad thing to be avoided. We generally see resistance as the opportunity for growth. It is showing up so we can identify what has been unconsciously blocking our growth. 

With some sessions, you will see it immediately. In session 1 you practice gratitude and your emotions will change in that moment. At other times you may go to practice gratitude and what will come up are resistance stories (negative thoughts and judgments in your mind).  It will seem like you are going backwards. This is just the ego pushing back against change. In reality you are making progress, but based on your emotions it doesn’t feel like an improvement.

Sometimes after your workout at the gym your muscles are sore, and you are so weak you can’t do another rep. Muscle fatigue and soreness aren’t an indication of lack of progress or that you are going backwards. In this process of changing beliefs you will have to learn that how you feel in that moment doesn’t equate to progress. 

With most exercises, just like going to the gym, you will see cumulative results of repetition over time is how you get the big changes. 

There is not a wrong answer here in which course to do next. I generally recommend people work on the issues that are most directly in front of them. 

The Relationship Course does not require a lot in the way of time consuming work. It reveals many of the beliefs that create drama and dysfunction in relationship. This is largely an awareness component. If you have done the Self Mastery Course I you can use these skills to change the patterns you discover. 

Self Mastery Course II deepens the inventory process and focuses several sessions on dissolving the characters of the Judge and Victim. It also directs you in creating a new life you want. 

If the issues you are having are drama in relationship, then do that course. If you are facing a lot of self judgments, or judgments of others then do SMC II. 

If you want to do both, then I think it is very reasonable to do both. Get them at the same time, work on sessions as the come up, pick up the new tools and techniques as fast as you can. Then, when you get to the end of the series, start from the beginning and deepen your practice.