What are the false beliefs that form our Ego?
Where do our false beliefs come from? When did we begin to get these false beliefs of our identity and lose touch with our authentic self? What is our identity when we shed our mind’s version of who we are?
A critical step to getting back to an authentic self is that we have to dissolve the labels and stories (thoughts) that fill our minds with descriptions of ourselves. This version from the mind will always be a false version.
First, we need to get in touch with our authentic emotions.
To do this, we need to quiet our minds and dismantle the chatter. To do this, we have to release the beliefs that are causing chatter and inner dialogue. Once the waters are calm, the emotions become pleasant.
As we get deeper and deeper into those parts of our identity that we are most attached to, we can get stuck or find ourselves “trapped”. This can become a never-ending cycle.