Our consciousness does not exist as finite and bounded. Consciousness can be spread across an area or occupy different perspectives. We can adjust this with the use of our attention. Our consciousness can also view things in our mind and memory. When you combine these aspects, you realize that our consciousness can be divided into different areas of the mind that all feel like “parts” of us.
The same can happen with our willpower. Our will can be divided into our agreements and beliefs, particularly about the identity that resides in our minds. These beliefs then hold our willpower in unconscious regions and work against our conscious presence.
The journey of self-awareness is to recover these fragmented parts of our will and consciousness and become whole and present. When we do, we live in integrity with ourselves.
The practices in my Self Mastery course and Recapitulation course will guide you through these changes to feeling whole again. www.PathwayToHappiness.com